Sequel: Untouched
Status: Completed :) See Sequel

Confessions of a Broken-Hearted twelve year old...WHAT?!

"A 12 year old can't be in love or fall in love."

That is exactly what everyone said to me the day i fell in love.oh would make sense to tell you how and when and with who. Well you will find out who and when and how.

How This All Happened

I was sitting at home watching THE ELLEN SHOW and the Jonas Brothers were on. Did you know, that I skipped school just to see them at a mall? I know I am obsessed. I like to say I am over obsessed. Anyway I was watching Ellen, and she was asking Jonas Brothers question and then they played "Just Friends".Then she came up to the camera and said "Every Jonas Brother fan listen up."

"I am having a contest to see who is the really Biggest Jonas Brother fan. Now the way to win is by writing why you love them so much. Easy right? Well if you win, you get to go to the show and you get to meet the Jonas Brothers and get to hang out with them."

Everyone in the crowd scream and I turned off the tv. I yelled "Mom get me some paper and a pen. I am going to meet the Jonas Brothers!"