The Twins of Light and Dark

Chapter 11-Flashbacks

Jacob sat in the dark room. His knees where pulled up to his chest, his hands and arms around his legs, and his head on his knees. His eyes were half open, and his mouth was shut. He took long, slow breaths. His body was here, but his mind wasn't.

"Hmm... I think we should tell Jacob."

"No," replied a male voice, "we'll tell him tomorrow."

Jacob watched his parents talk with a white coated man. The clock in the living room was clicking "10:00 PM". Jacob's brother was rushed to the hospital, only two days before.

"You need to tell him that his brother's dying," the doctor retorted. Jacob couldn't listen anymore. He quietly shut the door and went back to bed.

The next day, Jacob and his parents visited Aley, "Mommy, daddy," Jacob looked at his parents, "can I talk with Aley alone for a few minutes?"

"Of course, hun," his mom answered, kissing Jacob's head and leaving with their dad. Jacob looked at his brother.

"Sit up," he demanded and Aley pushed his uneasy self up, "listen, Aley, you can't die."

"I know," Aley cried. He took Jacob's hands and they felt their energy change. Aley laid back down as their parent's returned.

The next few hours were havoc for Jacob. His doctor said that Aley would be fine. That's when Jacob had his first x-ray. The bright lights shone...."

Jacob opened his eyes. He wasn't were he was before, the black room. He was on a table, in an air sealed tight room, with about two hundred kids on the other side. "What a horrid...." Jacob stopped as the figure appeared outside of his glass.

"Hm... that usually makes kids sleep for days," the figure smiled at Jacob, "he'll be the perfect test," the figure laughed, "him and his brother."

"What'd you do to Aley?!" Jacob yelled. It hurt to talk. The pressure in the room changed and the bars on his ankles and wrists tightened.

"Nothing, child," the figured laughed, "You'll see him soon enough."

Jacob gritted his teeth, "Damn you! Whatever happened to you!"

The older Jacob laughed, "De-seal his room, and then bring him to the dark room, three."

He clicked his fingers, and the window in front of Jacob disappeared behind a black sheet. Jacob sighed, got a grasp on his reality, and yelled, "Wait!"