The Twins of Light and Dark

Chapter Three- The Vine Table

Jacob’s body was hard, painful around his stomach and loose for the rest of his body. He wasn’t in his cage, but on a bed. He sat up.

“Lay down, child,” that same voice said. Jacob flinched and laid back down.

“What are you going to do?” Jacob asked and the figure laughed.

“One, to torture you some more, and two… we might have a visitor,” the figure down Jacob’s cheek, “you’re not a smart boy are you?”

“Why would you care?” Jacob asked and sat up. He looked at the figure, who pushed him back down.

“Which do you want to start with Jacob?” it asked as Jacob tried to sit back up, “Is that a one? Okay,” the figure snapped their fingers and the green plants that Jacob was laying on, twisted and slowly wrapped around his legs, arms, and stopped at his stomach.

Jacob looked at the vines and struggled, “Let me go!”

“I don’t think so, child,” the figure laughed and the vines slipped into Jacob’s stomach. He screamed and begged and struggled, but only the figure heard him. Jacob felt tears swell up and tried to struggle again. The figure smiled and snapped the long bony, fingers, again, and Jacob stopped screaming. The vines wrapped around his head and mouth and tightened its grip. The figure smiled and a flash of bright light happened.

“Master,” a voice said, “we have the other boy.”

“Mmm,” the shady figure smiled, “bring him in here so he can see his brother. And let us find out if they are both stubborn.”
Another flash of bright light happened and Jacob saw Aley look around. The figure smiled, and beckoned the servant, and Aley, over.

“What the hell did you do to Jacob?” Aley asked, and the servant tightened its grip, sending Aley to his knees.

“Bow to your new master, child!” it yelled, and Jacob’s capture laughed. It ran a finger down Aley’s cheek and smiled.

“Are you as stubborn as your brother?” it asked, and Aley shivered.

“Depends,” Aley mumbled back. The figure scowled.

“Then we have to find out, now, don’t we?” it asked and pressed his palm on Aley’s forehead and put his fingers on the top of Aley’s head. Aley shook violently, and then stopped as his head dropped. Jacob shook.

“Mmf!” He yelled, trying to yell his brother’s name. The figure smiled.

“Guess not. You,” he pointed at his servant, “put him in the cage and then come back for him,” he pointed at Jacob, who was now slightly pale for not being able to breathe. It disappeared and the vines slowly recoiled, showing bloody holes in Jacob’s body. He panted, vision blurring as each breath slowly disappeared, and found himself passed out on the bed of vines, holding his bloody stomach that leaked dark blue blood.