The Twins of Light and Dark

Chapter Five- The New World

"Hey! Tal! Look!"

"What, Simb?"

Jacob opened his eyes, painfully, to find a small lion looking down at him. A second later, a bird was there, too.

"He's awake!" the lion yelled, and then started to dance.

"Um..." Jacob sat up. He was in a small room with the two animals and another person, "Who are you and where is this? This... place?"

"Oooh, you're not from around here, are you?" the lion asked. Jacob shook his head 'no'. "I'm Simbraramon, and that's...."

"I'm Talimon. This is the year..." the bird was intrupted by the lion.


"So, um.. what the hell are you guys?" Jacob asked.

"We're humans. In the 4000s, we discovered how to change at free will, into small monsters like this. But, of course, everything has side effects. We're stuck like this until we're at age..."

"And what's that age?" Jacob asked.

"Twenty," Simbraramon grinned, "How old are you? You're actually a kid.. are you older than twenty? Sure seems like it... Tal there's fifteen and I'm eleven!"

"Hmm..." Jacob blinked, "No, I'm sixteen. And I'm from the 2000s.. 2010 to be exact," Jacob answered. "And I'm Jacob.

"You're from the past? How'd you get here from the past?" Talimon asked.

"I don't know," Jacob dropped his head as he answered, "hey, have you seen my little brother?"

"What's he look like?" Simb asked.

"Like me..." Jacob answered.

"Is that him?" Talk asked and pointed to the other person in the room. Jacob smiled and sighed happily.

"Aley!" he got up and wandered over to his brother, slightly holding his stomach.