The Twins of Light and Dark

Chapter Seven- The Crests of Light and Dark

The walk from where Jacob and Aley were helped into the dark and gloomy city wasn't that long. Aley shivered as they headed into it and Tal and Simb led them throught a deserted story, through a dark and unlit tunnel, and turned around to look at them as they came into a bright opening. "Before we take you any farther into the city, we'd like for you to look like us, the older kids, rather than being like you are," Tal said as Simb shoved a pair of clothes into each boy's hands. They exchanged glances and obeyed, changing quickly, and quietly, into their new clothes.

Aley blinked, and looked at his new clothes. He now wore a pair of dark green army pants, and a large white tee shirt. He slipped on the black shoes and folded up his grey tee shirt, his blue jeans with the large hole in the left knee, and put it down on the desk that Simbraramon was standing on.

Jacob slipped on his pair of black jeans, and black and white sneakers. He held his stomach, "Aww, crap, it's because we're the holders of whatever is that's inside of us," he mumbled to himself.

"Huh? Jacob, are you alright?" Aley asked, and Jacob nodded, before slipping over his blue tee-shirt.

"Good," Tal said, handing Jacob a pair of black gloves, a dark blue hat, some square goggles, and two necklaces, one with a charm, the other without. Jacob looked at the charm, and picked it up, looking to Tal after examining it.

"What's this, Tal?" Jacob asked, as Tal was giving Aley a backpack and two necklaces, and was also interested in them.

"Those are tags, and the symbol inside them are crests," Tal responded, "there are fourteen of them all together that keep the worlds from falling apart. Unfortunatally...."

"There's always this part..." Aley mumbled.

"The crests were seperated from their tags, and the tags were lost forever. It's said, in time, that two boys would save this world from the impending darkness."

"Yeah," Aley said, perking up his eyebrows, "so that's us, right?" he looked at the tag and crest, "So, I have light?" He asked, looking between the tag and crest, and the messanger backpack Tal gave him, "So if I'm light, what does Jacob have?"

"Light's opposite," was all Tal responded with.

"Darkness?" Jacob mumbled, then looked at his little brother, "Hey, Aley! We condradict each other!"

"Well... we ARE twins," Aley answered, somewhat rolling his eyes. Jacob dropped his head sadly.

"You both condradict each other," Tal butted in, "Light can see through the dark, but the dark can be much more powerful against itself. You need to always believe in each other and you'll always be strong against the evil that is dark." The two boys laughed.

"Why are we them?" Jacob asked, looking at Tal for the answer.

"You have something everyone else does not. They want what you have," Tal answered, kind of darkly.

Jacob blinked, and raised his eyebrows, "So.. that thing that's in us that that guy wanted? What did that bitch call it....?"

"The keys!" Aley smiled, "we have the keys, Jacob!"

"Sure," Jacob nodded, distantly, "how about we go get these dicks so that we can go home, Aley?" Aley nodded and Tal smiled.

"Fine," Tal answered. He wandered out, next to Simbraramon, and Jacob and Aley followed. They wandered back out into the dark city.

"I don't like this place, Jacob," Aley sighed as they quietly walked the dark streets.

"Hey, Tal," Jacob looked around, "Why isn't any kids here?"

"When the kids come to the the age, they're taken to the 'Darkness Cage', and tested," Simb answered, "we had a few friends go there, and they never came back."

"And what happens there?" Aley asked, slightly confused.

"All we know is that a handful come back, and that's why there are a few kids left."

"That's him!" Simbraramon pointed, with his paw, to a dark looking figure, who appeared on a screen on the top of a building.

"Hello, Dark City, this is your Supreme Leader. I want my twenty new men to be at my cage at once!" His voice was dark and deep, and evil.

"He looks familiar..." Jacob mumbled, "who is he?"

"Jacob.. sorry to burst your bubble and all," Aley put his hand on his brother's shoulder, "I think that's you."