The Twins of Light and Dark

Chapter 8-The Cage

The four boys walked the rest of the way in silence, Jacob trailing behind the others, "Why does he have to do this, Tal?" he mumbled to himself.

"It's said that he murdered his younger brother, by accident, and that pity hit his darkness and made him this way," Tal answered and Jacob stopped as he looked at Aley. Aley looked back at him, walked up to him, and punched him in the face.

"That's never stopped you, Jacob. You'd always protect me when we were younger. You'd always hurt the older kids, even if they were teenagers. You know I'd always be with you, thick or thin, life or death," Aley yelled, "now, how about we go beat up some evil guy ass?"

Jacob took a few seconds before he nodded, a grin creeping over his soft face, "Sure! Let's go!"

"That's the spirit!" Aley grinned, "Let's go get the darkness and shine light into this town!"

"Yeah!" Jacob agreed.

"Where to first, bro?" Aley asked.

"Well... there," Jacob pointed to were six or seven guys dragged a few kids, "I have a feeling that were we'll find our answers." Aley blankly nodded.

"You two," Jacob looked at Simb and Tal, "Stay here." They shook their heads no.

"You can't do it alone," Tal sighed, "We'll be your defence."

"You can't. You'll get in our way!" Aley yelled, and Jacob grabbed him.

"Let them come. We won't let them get hurt," he was calm and Aley nodded. They, once again, headed off.

"Those... these kids... they all look so helpless and tortured," Aley mumbled, watching a black haired kid run from a large machine with a large dark thing. Jacob clentched his fist.

"This has to end," was all he said, "he can't continue this."

"Tal, what are they doing?" Aley asked.

"Hmm?" Tal pointed, "I think they are giving that kid a dark shot, and that kid," he pointed to anohter place, "that kid is probably getting a dark ring. And the last kid is probably getting hypnotized..."

"Oh," Aley looked at Jacob, "Hey!! Come...."

"Intruder alert in Area 4320," Aley looked at Jacob, who firmly held his hand against a button. A face appeared and smiled at them.

"Well," it said, "why did you press the alarm? Going to get yourselves caught?"

Jacob laughed and then gave the guy a look that wipped the guys grin off his face, "No. I'm here for you. Why don't you come find me? That and catch me!"

The figure laughed, "That's funny, child," it laughed louder, "maybe I will catch you myself. Haven't had fun in years since my brother died," the face disappeared.

"Jacob?! Are you TRYING to get us caught?!" Aley yelled.

"Run, you two!" Tal yelled. Jacob blinked and untensed his body. Aley grabbed his arm and pulled him along, past hallways and windowless doors. They ran through a few hallways, and then stopped from being out of breath.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Jacob!?" Aley asked, in between breaths.

"He has to be stopped!" Jacob countered.

"That's all well and good and everything, but we don't want to be caught!" Aley yelled. Jacob sighed.

"I'm sorry."

"Hey, don't be. Right now we have to save this kids and Simb and Tal," Aley smiled and Jacob nodded.

"Sure," he quietly said, "let's get a plan set out."

"Right!" Aley grinned.