Okay I'm dating my brother's best friend. Okay.

Rawr goes the cupcake, while Meow goes the ninja

It had been a few days since Dwayne told me how he felt, and I didn't turn into a b*tch and laugh at him...we were...well,dating..which didn't really go over to well with all the little fan-girls the guys had.
Yup yup, we were touring, and I loved it, it was only the second day, but I knew I loved this and wanted to last as long as possible. Plus i got to watch all these metal teenagers run around with their friends..plus some of these people were dressed...very...um, cute?
" Lex, you okay?" One of Atreyu's merch girls asked poking me.
" I'm fine Emz. I should be asking about you, you look like your about to pass out." I laughed smiling at her.
I liked Emmy, she was the first person to warm up to me here. Not to mention she looked totally gangsta...short clipped bright purple hair, pretty green eyes, her nose, eyebrow, and lip pierced. Not to mention tattoos lining her arms like Jason's.
She shrugged, " it's to hot here, that and I'm dying to walk around." She whined sitting in a plastic folding chair next to me.
I nodded in agreement, " well I'm only here until we get different girls...i guess we can give one of them to you.." I trailed off.
She squealed and flung herself at me, I grinned and hugged her back not caring a few guys were watching.
" So you never told me something.." She trailed off getting a customer a Atreyu hoodie.
" And what is it that I didn't tell you?" I asked standing up to get a Dying Kiss ( Jason's Band name...it's after one of my readers! <3) t-shirt for yet another teenie fan.
" How long you and Dwayne have been dating." She replied with a laugh.
I smirked as the teenie glared at me before hurrying off to her friends, " a few days actually, but I guess he's liked me for awhile." I answered, " well that's what Jason said." I laughed.
i grinned once I noted a small blush stained her cheeks once i mentioned Jason's name, " thanks nice.." She trailed off obviously trying to get rid of the blush.
" You know, the guys and I were going to watch some movies later...do you wanna come by?" I asked trying to act casual.
I litterally heard her squeal, and a few seconds later she had jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist, " I LOVE YOU!"
I giggled as a couple of guys started whistling, which meant it was time for her to stop air humping me already, " I love you to Emz...but your pulling down my pants."
She giggled, " good, then all the guys will be drooling!" She started to wiggle around more making me drop her.
She landed on the floor with a loud THUD, she groaned rubbed her butt and looked up at me narrowing her eyes, " I would kill you if it wasn't for the fact your Brother would never talk to me again."
I smirked, " that's a lie, you just love me to much!"
She smiled faintly, " wellll that's kinda true.."
I smiled and finally helped her up, " sorry for dropping you...I just dont want everyone seeing my panties."
She giggled, " of course, only Dwayne can see them." She skipped over to another teen who had been waving at us.
" Trust me Emz, he wont be seeing them for awhile." i said as i went back to working.
" Sure..just wait until he works his charm on you." She replied.
I shook my head drowning out her talking with Atreyu's: The Theft.
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omg sorry it's so short...
comments? please!! T_T