Okay I'm dating my brother's best friend. Okay.


Dwayne's POV:

" Where do you think your going?" I asked grabbing Lexie by her waist and pulling her onto my bunk.
She giggled and rested her head on my shoulder and looked at me, " to get the movie for later...ew your all sweaty!" She squeaked attempting to get out of my arms.
I grinned and held onto her refusing to let go, " no your staying right here!"
" NO! Someone help! I've been kidnapped by the lead guitarist of Dying Kiss! The emo band!" She yelled.
There was a loud thud which meant Jason would be coming into the room to yell at us that we weren't 'emo'...damn emos.....{no offence to any.}
" Which one of you said it?" Jason asked walking into the room eyeing us.
" I'm your best friend...i didnt!" I defended.
Lex scoffed, " and i'm your sister, not to mention the manager of your band!" She over stressed the word manager.
He stared at both of us, " then i shall punish both of you." He reached over, plucked Lexie out of my lap and threw her over her shoulder making her grunt.
" No more lap dance for Dwayne." He said shaking a finger in my face, " and now, it is time for horror movies." He smirked.
" DON'T YOU DARE!" Lexie screamed pounding her fists on his back as he carried her out of the room laughing.
I sighed and leaned back into the bed staring into the roof, I had never been so happy, people liked our music, even moshed to it...Lexie was happy dating me, and we hadn't had a single fight yet, and most of all everything was going fine so far.

Lexie's POV:

" Okay, so what movie are we watching?" Jake asked from the floor.
" Simpson's Movie." Emmy answered as she cuddled up to me.
I giggled and hugged her even though all the guys were watching us clearly amused. " Will you pervs stop staring?" I spat.
Dwayne smirked, " I cant help it baby, it just calls to us." He laughed as he sat on the sofa...yup..a sofa on a bus....odd much....
" It's like an instict." Kyle added sitting near us, " I mean it's girl on girl!"
Jason scowled now, " will you shut up? That is my sister in that pile!"
" What about me?" I heard Emmy whimper softly. I new she didn't mean for it to be so loud but Jason smiled.
" But...then again Emmy is in there...i could just block out my sister." He grinned.
Emmy muttered something into the pillow we were sharing and i couldn't help but smile widely.
" Okay enough!! Movie time!" Dwayne yelled throwing a pillow at Jason.
Jason got hit square in the chest, he picked up the pillow and threw it back at Dwayne. It slammed against his face making his head move back a bit farther than it already was.
He pouted and turned to me, " Lexiee, your brother hit me!" He whined.
I giggled, " is that so?"
He nodded, " I did not...he hit me first!" Jason whined.
I turned to Emmy, " you take care of my Brother...and I'll get my idiot guitarist."
She giggled and quickly hurried over to Jason and started to talk to him softly. I noticed a blush even crossed his face, which only happened when he really liked someone.
I smiled and walked over to Dwayne and sat on his lap, " are you dying?" I asked dramticly.
He nodded, " I need a kissy." He pouted.
i giggled and kissed him, " happy?" I breathed against his mouth.
He nodded and stared at me, " very..." He kissed me back for a few seconds, until we were interupted.
" Oookay, i dont want to see my sister getting kiss raped...so Lexie calm down!" Jason ordered tugging on the back of my T-shirt.
I whimpered and sat next to Dwayne and cuddled into him. I sighed after a few seconds of lying their in silence and decided just to enjoy the movie.
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comments...por favor.