Okay I'm dating my brother's best friend. Okay.

The Past

I sat there running my fingers through Jordan’s choppy black hair, he smiled softly and continued to rub small circles on leg. He closed his eyes and I assumed he was beginning to fall asleep, which I didn’t mind. I was used to it after all, I did this with Jake, Kyle, and Dwayne and every time they passed out like nothing.

“ You know, I’m going to miss you petting me.” Jordan said as his eyes opened and landed on mine slowly.

I sighed, “ I’m going to miss it too…are you sure you have to go?” I asked kissing his cheek.

He nodded slowly, “ my Dad needs my help love, I’m going to miss you like hell…but maybe you and the guys can come visit us in Orange County.”

I smiled at the thought of spending the summer with him, I knew my Mom wouldn’t mind since the guys would be there, and she trusted Jordan even though Jason didn’t exactly like him so much. “ I’d love that, but I’m still going to cry on Friday.”

He laughed and rubbed my arm slowly, “ and I’ll be dying on the inside.” I smiled, he always knew what to say to make me melt. Even if I was seriously pissed at him hardly happened, unless he got in a fight with one of the guys and things got physical.

“ I love you Babe.” I smiled kissing him this time.

He kissed back, “ I love you to.” He said as i pulled away from him.

Fast Forward to the summer!

I smiled as the taxi pulled up to Jordan’s house, I smiled as I recognized his white Nissan in the driveway, the dents from the accidents he got in at school. The guys were back at the hotel since I wanted some alone time with Jordan, I was tired of hugging a damn phone, I wanted to hug him.

I walked up to the door and fixed my clothes, I lifted my hand up and knocked on the dark green doors. I stood there for a few moments and then it opened slowly. Jordan stood there in surfer shorts, a black tee shirt looking confused, he smiled once he noticed it was me.

“ I THOUGHT YOU WEREN’T ABLE TO COME!!” He yelled spinning me in a circle.

I giggled, I had lied and said my Mother wasn’t going to let us go, “ I lied! Are you happy?” I giggled as he let me back down onto my feet.

He nodded and kissed me roughly, “incredibly, now get your cute ass up to my room!” He ordered grabbing my hand and slamming the door shut.

I giggled as he pulled me up the stairs, down the hall, and into the room that looked like it would belong to him, dark green walls, a mattress on the floor instead of being in a bed frame. I giggled as I threw myself onto the mattress.

“ Nice room babe.”

He laughed and sat down next to me slowly, “ don’t be jealous.”

I giggled, “ shut up, I have a whole hotel room to myself.”

He laughed again, “ maybe I should go sleep with you.”

I laughed and rested my head on his chest, “maybe..”

He grinned and kissed my forehead, he opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by someone knocking on the door, he groaned. “ Okay, I’ll be right back, I think it’s one of my Dad’s co-workers.”

I nodded as he stood up and walked out of the room shutting the door in the process. I sighed and sat up and looked around his room, I stood up and started to wander around. I stopped once I noticed something that made my heart speed up, I walked closer to the white stuff and poked it. God, not my Jordan…

“ Baby?”

I turned around to see Jordan staring at me with confusion, he spotted the white stuff on my finger and the noticed what I had been looking at, “ J-Jordan..”

“ It’s nothing.” He said walking over and dumping it into the cabinet underneath it.

I backed away from him, the Jordan I know would never do drugs, he thought they were stupid..now that I think about it he didn’t even look the same, his skin was paler, he was thinner…he’s not my Jordan..

“ Baby….stop backing away from me.” He said noticing I was inching towards the door.

I shook my head trying to fight back tears, “ no…your not the same, you swore you’d never do drugs! You swore on my life!” I screamed feeling so hurt, so angry, so betrayed.

“ Baby, come on it’s not a big deal.” He reached out to touch my arm, I stepped away making him scowl.

“ Yes it is, you swore on my life…” I opened the door, “ I c-cant be with a druggie.”

He laughed, “ oh come on, we both know you wouldn’t survive a day without me.” He grabbed my arm squeezing.

“ Jordan your hurting me!” I yelped as he continued to tighten his grip, “ let go of me!”

He let go making me fall back onto my butt, “ fine, but if you leave I’m never talking to you ever again.” He hissed.

I stood up and hurried down the stairs, I didn’t want to stay with him, we had drifted apart, but this was just to much for me to handle, “ bye then.” I muttered as I opened the front door.

“ Wait, Lexie!”

I ignored it and ran down the street faster, he swore on my life….and he broke it..

I was snapped out of my daze by my phone vibrating again, I flipped it open.

Message from: Jordan

so I’ll see you at the merch table tomorrow

I sighed and texted back a quick ‘yes’. As soon as it was sent the door to the bus opened and in walked Dwayne holding the food. He looked so cute since it had begun to rain, and his hair was now plastered to his face and his shirt was soaked.

“ I think my balls shrunk.”