Okay I'm dating my brother's best friend. Okay.

I can't believe I forgot.

I sat there chipping away at the purple nail polish on my fingers. Half of me wanted to see Jordan, while the other half wanted him out of my life. I love Dwayne, not Jordan...right?
" Lex, you okay?" Emmy asked walking over to the merch table, she wasn't feeling well today so she was staying our bus.

I nodded avoiding her worried gaze, " just a little tired."

" Aah, so finally you and Dwayne have fun." She laughed shaking my shoulder.

I laughed and shook my head, " nope...not yet anyways."

She sighed, " well when you guys do...I plan on telling the world."

I laughed, " so do the rest of the guys."

She giggled, " yuppers, anyway I should get back to the bus before I faint out here."

I laughed, " well at least it's to soon for you to be pregnant."

" God, don't even joke like that, I dont want to be a mom yet. I want to stay young and stupid for at least two more years!"

I laughed again as she walked away mumbling something about sleeping and watching " Frankenweenie."

" I guess being on tour is doing you some good." A new voice commented.

I gulped slowly and looked up, just as i thought, Jordan stood there smiling at me. He looked somewhat the same as the last time, he had gotten a bit taller, a few piercings, and a few tattoos lining his arms... Dwayne's hotter..

" Yes it is." I added rather coldly. Now that he was here I wished I hadn't told him I'd meet him, I knew something bad was going to happen...

He smirked, " still the same Lexie."

" Lexine to you." I said harshly as I handed a fan a T-shirt. " I guess your still the coke lover?" I asked trying to sound calm.

He laughed, " nah, I kicked the stuff, someone's rather icy."

I rolled my eyes and looked at him placing my hand on my hip, " why did you even want to see me?"

" What? The last time I checked it's not illegal to catch up with one of your exs." He leaned against one of the poles holding up the plastic tent.

" True, but why now?"

He shrugged, " I saw you the otherday and decided to stop by and say hey."

" How'd you get my number though?"

He grinned evily, the smile that once made me laugh was now making my skin crawl with fear, " one of the roadies thought I owned some magazine, so I asked for the manager's number of Dying Kiss...turns out it's yours."

" Yeah it is. Delete it from your phone." I answered as i turned my back to him.

" Such a cold bitch." He laughed.

" You helped make me that way." I answered casting him a glare from over my shoulder.

He grinned, " thanks sweets."

I cringed at the name, " don't f*cking call me that." One of the other merch girls looked at me curiously, I smiled weakly hoping she wouldn't get concerned or something...strangers acting nice creeps me out.

Jordan laughed, " okay dear, anyways, I best be off, I have to help Paramore set up."

I looked at him, " your a roadie?"

He nodded seeing the fear lurking in my eyes, " yup, I guess I get to see more of you." Something in my voice told me to run away and get Jason right now. BUT my stubborn side refused to let me move.

" Great." I put on a fake smile.

He laughed, " I have no clue why your afraid of me, but the fear looks cute on you." He turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

" Baabe, come on it's freezing." I sighed tugging on Jordan's jacket. The football game had ended an hour ago, yet he insisted on staying here dispite the fact it was raining.

Plus he was going to be leaving the state in a few days, I wanted to spend time with him alone, not out in the damn freezing rain.

" Stop friggin pulling on me and just wait." There was an edge to his voice that I've never heard before..

" Okay." i replied in a small voice.

I sat back down on the side walk and rested my head on my knees, I opened my mouth to let out a bored sigh but before i could a black truck pulled into veiw.

" Stay here, I'll be right back." Jordan ordered walking over to the car.

I nodded, "sure master." I hissed underneath my breath.

A guy our age jumped out of the car and walked halfway to greet Jordan, they did one of those creepy man hugs and instantly started to talk in a hushed tone.

I placed my headphones in my ears and turned it on as high as possible. I noted they glanced over a few times and then went back to talking quietly. i finally got annoyed enough that I turned down my volume, and then paused it.

" Are you sure she'll do it?" The new guy asked nodding towards me.

Jordan laughed, " I've got her wrapped around my fingers, trust me she'll do anything."

The guy laughed, " great, she looks like she'll make a good crack horse."

My eyes widened, " yeah, and if she doesnt...well just say bye-bye to her brother." Jordan laughed sending me a glance.

I rubbed my head feeling sick to my stomach, how I could have forgotten that I don't know...I remembered how I questioned him about it later and he laughed and said it was a joke...

And me being stupid...well I believed him...and it could have cost Jason's life!

I started to feel my head as I started to feel light headed, I grabbed onto the chair i was standing near and let out a shakey breath...Everything started to spin and the last thing I remember was a merch girl leaning over me yelling for a medic.
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