Okay I'm dating my brother's best friend. Okay.

Attack of the fly swatters!

“ Lexie, before you say no…it doesn’t have to be this week, just before tour is over.” Jason said eyeing the look of horror on my face, “ we’d really love it.”

I let out a shaky breath, “ I’d pass out on stage though, or throw up on the crowd!”

He laughed momentarily, “ well I have to admit that would be cool to see you vomit…but what’s the worst that could happen?”

I scoffed, “ you lose fans, I get booed off the stage, we get kicked off the tour.” I said starting to make a list, I was about to go on but he held up his index finger making me silent.

“ Lex, please just think about it.” He smiled weakly at me, “ it would mean the world to the guys and I.”

I sighed, “ fine.”

He grinned and pulled me into a hug, “ thanks….let me go get Dwayne before he thinks I’m murdering you.”

I smiled at the mental image of Dwayne pacing back and forth freaking out, he was never really patient when it came to any of us getting hurt, he always thought we could end up dying even if it was a paper cut….drama queen, but he’s mine.

I had barley laid back down and gotten comfortable when the door opened again. Dwayne smiled softly, shut the door and walked over to me slowly, “ hey, how are you?” He asked kissing my forehead as he laid down.

“ Just tired,” He nodded and lifted the blanket over himself, “ how’d your guys show go?”

“ Okay, the crowd loved it…” He trailed off and started to play with the tank I had been changed into, “ I was all hyped up after until the medic came and told me what happened. And then in comes Jason carrying you like a rag doll."

I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder, “ I’m sorry, it’s just the change of weather has me kinda funny feeling.”

He nodded, “ I hope you get better…and I also hope you’ll be singing on stage with us.” I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I sighed, “ I’m not sure yet, I don’t want to ruin one of your shows.”

He sighed, “ Lexine,” I frowned as he used my name, “ you used to sing in the band before we played shows.” I nodded letting him know to go on, “ we loved it, and when you stopped we were sad but moved on…and now we want you to do it again…just to make us happy.”

I sighed, “ just let me think, I’ll most likely do it.”

He grinned and squeezed me against him, “ good, or else I’d be very upset and forget my parts to the songs.”

I gasped and sat up, “ you wouldn’t!”

He grinned, “ I would.”

I narrowed my eyes, “ if you do, I will never let you in my pants.”

His eyes narrowed, “ yes you would, you can’t help but fall victim to my superior charm.”

I rolled my eyes, “ you have no charm….admit it your weak for me.” I giggled batting my eyelashes.

He scoffed, “ I am not.”

I pouted and rested my head on his chest, he took in a slow breath as I moved so my body was resting on his, “ are you sure?”

He nodded slowly.

“ So if I started to kiss your neck it wouldn’t make you whimper?” I laughed.

He shook his head obviously liking where this was going, “ not at all.”

I giggled as the door burst open and Jake and Kyle fell on the floor, I knew they had been listening since I heard them snickering. “ JASON! DWAYNE WAS ABOUT TO DEFILE LEXIE!” Kyle screamed.

I heard another loud thud which meant Jason had rolled off the sofa or something, Dwayne scrambled out from underneath me and into the top bunk yelling at the guys who were laughing. Jason came in holding a fly swatter and began to attack poor Dwayne. While Emmy walked in and quickly ducked into my bunk with me.

“ Are we sure their not overgrown three year olds?” She asked giggling as Dwayne jumped out of the bunk and landed on Jason.

“ I think they might be.” Jason and Dwayne were now licking their fingers and rubbing it on each other, while Kyle and Jake were on the floor in hysterics. Complete with tears running down their faces and their skin bright red from the laughter.

“ I SWEAR WITH THE POWER OF THIS GREEN FLY SWATTER, I WILL SPANK YOUR ASS!” Jason yelled holding up the fly swatter again.

“ OH YEAH TEAR THAT SHIT UP!” Jake yelled adding to Kyle and his laughter.

I looked at Emmy and couldn’t help but burst out into laughter, I rolled over onto my side grabbing onto them. Emmy started to laugh at me and eventually we were laughing just as hard as Jake and Kyle.
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i love the last parts....wrestling with fly swatters...good times..