The Best Friends Diaries

About The Story

Anyways, it was raining sometime in 5:57 PM in my hometown.. I got bored and found some pretty models.. They looked great as friends.. so.. OOPSIE. I know you guys prolly don't wanna hear about this. :D

BACK TO THE STORY. The point of this story is how you appreciate friends and try not to lie or keep secrets from them. Because, like Ate Elly said [what is this? quotation? trying hard to be an inspirer? lol.], friends are like GOLD. Precious and unique in every way. So, this book is for you to read if you and your BFF had a big fight/argument. :) ENJOYYY. :D

BANNER - it sucks? :P

ANYHAWW. Here are the character biographies:

Katherine Isabelle Ann Winters - Kiara Winters:
She has braces on. She LOVES reading and writing so much. When scared, she normally hugs the bear her mother gave her on her 1st birthday. [Since her mother an- .. her parents are gone.. ] She had been holding tight on to that. She lives with her favorite aunt and uncle, Anna and Charlie. She loves animals and wants to be a veterinarian.

Rebecca Therese Jay Wilson - Rebecca[or becca. :P ] Wilson:
She's a sporty, tomboy-ish, girly-girl type of girl. She's the complete opposite of Kiara. She has full confidence of herself which leads her to soo much trouble!

Dianna "Anna" and Charles "Charlie" Greensville:
Anna and Charlie are Kiara's aunt and uncle. They both love her ever so dearly and treat her as their own. They live in a small town somewhere in Washington D.C., USA. They love going to trips around America and other countries. But their favorite would probably be NEW YORK! [drum roll. :P ]

Maxine Danielle Lou Greensville - Maxy Greensville:
She's the 14 year old daughter of Anna and Charlie. Kiara's OH SO BEAUTIFUL AND TALENTED cousin. :D

Jeanne Yzabelle Clara Wilson - Belle Wilson:
She's the eldest among the Wilsons. She's Rebecca's sneaky clever older sister.

Philip Jordan Graham - PJ Graham:
He's Belle's boyfriend. He's very nice but can get a little to.. you know. *wink* :D

That's about all the people important.. well, not all. :D xD ENJOY!

CLICK! - huge huh? :D check out Maxy's room!


Entrance - CLICK!

Bathrooms - CLICK!

Kiara's - CLICK!

Master Bedroom - CLICK!

Kitchen / Dining Table - CLICK!

Guest Room - CLICK!


a lot? :D yeahh. thanks again!
♠ ♠ ♠
yeahhhh.. :|