A Route to Follow

Chapter 2

-Bob’s P.O.V.-
6 days later, we stepped out of the van – I have no clue of how we all managed to squeeze in there but it was painful and messy – in front of a huge mansion, middle of nowhere, Arkansas.

No, really; the sign above the great garden gates read ‘Middle of Nowhere’, which actually is kind of creepy.

The gigantic wooden doors – almost as tall as my Nan’s two story house back in Chicago – slammed open and a smiling whirlwind of black hair ran out, jumping onto Gee’s back.

Everybody froze for a moment that smiled. Amy let go of him and they hugged properly, telling the other how much they’d missed them.

PJ’s reaction was actually pretty funny; she went from horrified, to ‘oh-no-you-don’t’, to ‘OMGZ –Amy-Lee!!!’ in a matter of seconds. She’s an entertaining girl, I have to say.

After saying her ‘hello’ to Gee and Mikey she greeted the rest of us with a hug each. “Welcome in then,” she smiled and led the bunch of us into the mansion.

“This is fucking huge!” Pippa exclaimed and we giggled. Amy did too.

“Yeah, it is,” she agreed, leading us into a great living room with marble floor and dark leather couches. “I sometimes wonder why I live out here all by myself. It’s just me and my occasional friends staying over… oh, and Georgina, the cleaning lady who comes in and helps me dust and vacuum every other week, and she’s really nice. But other than that, it gets quite lonely.”

“It’s beautiful though,” Ellie whispered, staring up at the chandelier, hanging from the two-story-high ceiling.

Amy smiled widely. “Thanks, I hope it’s not too gothic for you,” she said, winking at Frank who giggled and winked back.

“Alright-y then. I have six guest bedrooms. Which is pretty perfect ‘cause you all get to divide into pairs. Oh, and for the couples; no sex,” she said warningly, I grinned to myself. She gave Gee and extra stern look, something that made both him and PJ blush. “Well… Okay, that’s a stupid rule, but for everybody’s sake; keep it down, okay?” she added, again giving gee an extra look.

“Okay, why the hell are you all looking at me like that? It’s just creepy, so stop!” he demanded. Jules giggled to herself.

“Oh, I know you, Gerard Arthur Way; with you around no one goes safe,” she replied, staring gravely at him before breaking into a cheery smile. “Okay, pucker up, friends; my sick, bipolar humor is something to get used to, ‘cause it will be heard a lot. Right, this way!” And with that, she started to show us our respective rooms, muttering sarcastic comments about feeling like an inn-keeper and various random things.

I guess it's pretty safe to say that I quickly found a liking for this girl.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope this chapter is of enjoyment. Chapters won't be a lot longer than this, unfortunately; for in that case, my imagination seems to fail me. No way I could come up with so many, long chapters. So you'll have to do. Hope it won't make you go away, 'cause I love you, you know that right? *batters eyelashes*

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