A Route to Follow

Chapter 6

-Mikey’s P.O.V.-

Bob and Amy didn’t come home until after dinner that night, which was somewhere around nine and it was dark out. It had started raining pretty heavily too, so they had probably been running, judging of their panting, drenched appearances when they actually did come home, cheeks rosy from the cold, but both of them laughing about Bob’s klutziness.

“Well, don’t you two look alive,” I smirk at them and Bob turned an awkward shade of red as I came to greet them.

“Continue that the least and you can consider yourself castrated, Michael James Way,” Amy spoke nonchalantly, voice full of authority as she took off everything but her t-shirt, underwear and socks – every dry thing, that is – and retrieved two fluffy towels from a big, dark oak closet, pressed tightly next to the drying cupboard and the washing machine. She tossed the maroon one to Bob whilst keeping the cobalt blue for herself, starting the job of drying her thick, dark hair.

I cringed and cowered in the doorway and Bob laughed. “Wow, Amy; you really have control over the Way brothers, don’t you?”

She shrugged dismissively, but wore a sly grin. “They know who means business, that’s all,” she said, giving me a sharp look.

And yeah, we knew who meant business alright. “Right, you have to warm up the soup we had for dinner; it’s in the fridge, bye!” I called, already halfway up the stairs and I could hear their laughter echo behind me.

I leapt into the room I shared with Ellie and slammed the door, pressing myself against it in a dramatic act.

She arched her left eyebrow and put aside the book she’d been reading. “Care to tell me what that was all about?” she asked, looking highly amused as she patted the mattress beside her.

I walked over and flopped down on my stomach and muttered my explanation into the pillow.

“What was that?” she laughed, laying a hand on my back, right between my shoulder blades.

I turned my head towards her as she slid down from sitting against the headboard to lying on her side, close and facing me. “Amy’s gonna sterilise me,” I repeated worriedly.

She laughed again and brought me in for a soft kiss. “No she won’t; Amy Lee does not want to mess with a pissy Ellie Waters.”

I kissed her back, smiling into it. “Thanks, babe, I feel better already.”
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I'm nice, so I give you another chapter tonight :]

xoxo, Peace