Lines and Cracks Do More Than Break Backs

Camo and Guy

The past week was sort or boring. I went to school and came home just to put my stuff down.

The rest of my after school day, was spent either at the park with Tyler or in the forest with Tyler.

But today, would be the most boring day yet, because this morning, right before I left for school Tyler came over. He told me right after school he had a doctors appointment, and then to follow a dentists appointment.

He said he hadn't had either in like two years. And, with my luck, he had them both on the same day.

Great, extra long boring alone time!

I hadn't realized how long I had dozed off for until the last period bell rang. I hadn't been paying attention almost all class period. The last thing I heard Mr. Inskeep say before I got lost in my train of thought was "Good afternoon beautiful people!"

I had no idea why he always adressed us like that. Was it in the Guide to Teaching (which by the way, was always on his desk) to compliment your students?

If so, Mr Skeep, as I liked to call him, is taking it way over the top. I mean who the helk says, "Good job stud!" to someone like Mike Flasveg? Who might I mention is like THE upgliest rudest person I have ever met in my whole life!

As to my great dissapointment, the board said Pop Quiz Friday on Todays/Tomorrows Lesson.

Ugh! I'll have to ask Guy and Cameron tonight what Mr. Skeep said today.

I suddenly remembered I was still in the classroom.

"Shit!" I said. "Whoops, I mean shoot!"

I almost NEVER cussed. I only did when I was OVER the top mad.

There was a major case of squigglies in my stomach whenever I did. You know, the type you get when you accidently splatter paint on your wall and like two seconds later your parents walk in and you try your best to cover it up.

Ugh! I hate it!!!

I ran down the stairs and skidded to a stop right at my locker. I groaned as I noticed there was NO ONE else in the hallways.

I spun my combonation as fast as I could, praying I'd get it. But, of course I messed up. SO I started over again a little more slowly.


I grabbed my blue sweatshirt and slipped my rainbow bag over my shoulder.

Ooops, I thought suddenly as I almost forgot my phone. My phone beeped twice. Which meant I had a text I hadn't checked yet.

From: Camo

Hey, where are you!!?? The bus is about to leave 2:00pm.

From: Camo

The bus just left I can't find you! Do you have DETENTION or something? Oh, crap Autumn, that's not good. What will Nick say??

I started to text her back.

Take a chill pill dude. Sorry, I guess I missed the bus. Same old same old. I dozed off last period and wasn't paying attention. Can you tell me what he said today? You have him 3 period right?

Actually, I was actually kind of glad I missed the bus. I hated always having to indulge spitballs, noise, and worst fo all, I had a fear of driving.

I always freaked Camo out when I told her my theories of the mumbojumbo vodoo that traffic can do to you.

She was always so wierd and sad whenever the subject of the worst night of my life was brought up.

Sure, it brought me to tears, but I couldn't keep trying to hold on to a part of me that wasn't there anymore. My sadness was fading little by little by little, but I knew I'd never ACTUALLY be able to get over it. So, I just tried to forget. I acted like I never had parents or a younger brother.

I guess Camo noticed that, (she notices everything), so she probably thinks I expect her to sympathize even when I tell her not to.

I didn't like it at all the way she tried helplessly to make me feel better.

It made me feel like some pathetic dog wandering the streets with no food or home.

My phone buzzed and rang in my pocket causing me to jump.

From: Camo

That sucks! :`( You walking home then? DUH!! :D That was a dumb question. I just wanted to make conversation. Anyways, I'm in a really talkative mood right now. So....can I call you?! Owwie, because my fingers hurt!! xD 2:30

I started to text her back when a kid a recongnized in a grade above me honked at me and screamed "WHORE!!"

God I hated that.

Yay, sure DORK! (when are you NOT in a talkative mood though??) :D:D

At about 2:33 my phone started to ring again. Throw it away forget yesterday we'll make the... I flipped open my phone and practically yelled when I answered.

"Hello Camo!" I said enthusiastically.

"Wow, someones in a good mood! Is this really Autumn?? Seriously no doom and gloom today?" I heard Camo say.

"Psh, fine, I'll hang up on you then, bye!"

"There's the Autumn I know!"

"First of all your mean!" I heard her laugh,"and...second of all you seriously sound like a man over the phone!"

"No freakin' way! You say that to me like EVERYday!! Gosh! I do NOT sound like a guy!"

"Yes you do!!"

"NO I don't! Do you know why??"

"Cuz Guy's not a guy!!" We said in unison.

We laughed for like FIVE whole minutes then Camo started talking again.

"So, met any hot guys lately??"

I groaned. Ugh, Camo knows that I don't plan on being with a guy any time soon. OR....EVER!!

"Nope," I replied bitterly.

"Yes you have actually!" She said to me a matter of factly.

"What do mean?" I asked very confused.

"Your brother..." She said with a quavering voice.

"Eww!! Yuck!! NO! I am utterly grossed out!"

"Your brother is so hot! Too bad he's in college!" She said dreamily.

"Yah too bad." I sighed."Shame, shame, he liked you too."

" Autumn Rose, your such a liar!!"

I chuckled. "I know."

"Oh, crap! I have to go Autumn. My dad's awake, and I just got home!! Bye"

The line went dead.

"Bye," I said to no one.

I sighed and opened the door.

I put my bag down and when I saw who was in my front room, I screamed so loud the whole neighborhood probably heard.
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There ya go!! This one is pretty long!! Hope you like it!! I think it was okay!

The reason the chapter is called Camo and Guy, is because it's the first chapter they were introduced in.

:D Toodles! Comment like crazy!!