For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?


Halloween was now only a few days away. David and I have always gone out trick-or-treating and even though we’re 16 we didn’t want to stop going out yet. This year David had his heart set on being Pac Man and he wanted Elena, Ericka, and I to be the little ghost things. I thought we needed another ghost and I knew exactly who I was going to ask.

“Hey, Gerard, are you going trick-or-treating?” I asked him after music theory two days until Halloween.

“I doubt it. I’ve never been.” He answered quietly.

“You’ve never been trick-or-treating? That’s horrible. You need to come with me this year. It will be a blast. I’ll get you a costume and everything.”


“Yeah, I’ll pick you up at 5 on Thursday and bring you back to my house and we’ll get you ready.”

“Cool…thanks Bridgette.”

“No problem, Gerard. See you.”


I gave Gerard a little hug and left to go find my bus. David was already sitting there.

“Do you have our fourth ghost?” He inquired.

“Yes, I do.”

“What color is he going to be?”

“Well, Elena is pink, I’m orange, and Ericka is blue…he can be green or red.”

“Ok, cool…are you two going to run off together?”

“It’s possible, but I can’t tell you that for sure. I’m not psychic or anything, gosh.”

“Well, I had to ask. I’m the elder in the group.”

“By five minutes.”

“I’m still older.”

I rolled my eyes and sunk down in the seat as the bus started moving.

On Thursday we went to go pick Gerard up at his house. He was standing out on the corner waiting for us so his dad wouldn’t see who he was with. He hopped in the car and sat in the middle seat beside me rather than sitting on the opposite side. I smirked at how close he was to me.

When we got back to my house, David presented Gerard with his choices. He could wear a bright red sheet or a lime green sheet. After a moment’s hesitation he chose the red sheet.

Ericka and Elena came over and we all got changed into our costumes. Mum and dad took loads of pictures before we all set off on our little adventure.

“Here, Gerard.” I said, handing him a red pillowcase to match his sheet.

He took it from me and all the ghosts formed a long line in front of David, our Pac Man. We got a lot of compliments on our costume idea. Even though I couldn’t see all of Gerard’s face I could tell he was having a blast.

After an hour, we were all loaded down with candy and a little tired. We sat on a street corner in a big circle exchanging candy bars and talking. I sat beside Gerard, our knees touching slightly, making things a little awkward.

“Hey, Bri, I have been wondering. Are you and Gerard dating?” Ericka wondered aloud.

I sighed. You can always count on Ericka to speak her mind at inappropriate times. I exchanged a glance with Gerard.

“Um…not, like, officially I guess…” I stammered, completely unsure of what to say. “I mean, I don’t know if he even likes me.”

“Of course I like you, Bridgette.” Gerard replied in his nearly silent way.

I leaned in to whisper something to him, but realized I couldn’t see his ear.

“Wait, where is your ear?” I laughed.

Gerard took off his sheet and I took mine off. Don’t worry; we were both wearing hoodies underneath, gosh. Anyway, I leaned in again to whisper in his ear, “will you be my boyfriend?”

Gerard beamed and replied with a shy, but strong, “yes.”

I giggled and kissed him briefly on the lips. While I was doing so, Ericka, Elena, and David let out a disapproving yell and threw the red and orange sheets over our heads. Gerard and I laughed out loud and heard the other three run down the street without us. Gerard got up and extended his hand. He pulled me up, we grabbed our bags and costumes and ran down the street after the others.

David, Ericka, and Elena were already back at the house, whimpering on the porch.

“Please don’t kiss again. It was very scarring.” Elena whined.

“Hush, Elena. You wouldn’t want me saying that if you had a boyfriend.” I remarked.

She glared and went inside. As the door began to close on the rest of us, my mum walked out.

“Ready to go home, Gerard?” She asked.

“I guess.” Gerard sighed reluctantly.

“I’ll come.” I added.

We walked out to the car and Gerard and I got in the backseat. Mum drove to the corner of Gerard’s street. He and I both got out.

“Did you have fun?” I inquired.

“I had an amazing time.” He whispered, still grinning and blushing by the light of his blue glow stick.

“Good. I’m so glad you came out with us.”

“I’m so glad you invited me. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, Bridgette.”

I felt tears well up in my eyes as he and I hugged right there on the street corner in front of my mum and everything. Gerard bent down to kiss me before turning around and walking away.

“Bye!” I called after him.

“Bye.” Gerard replied, turning and waving to me.

I watched him disappear into the darkness before getting back in the car to go home.

“Ooh, are you and Gerard together now?” Mum teased.


“Since when?”

“Since, like, twenty minutes ago.”

“Oh you're growing up so fast.”

Mum pretended to cry while I rolled my eyes and fastened my seatbelt, secretly praying to God that Gerard wouldn’t get in trouble with his dad tonight.
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Awwww...but wait...drama is in the future!!

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