For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?

Coming "Home"

Around 2AM a very disoriented, but still living, Gerard got wheeled back into the room. I sighed and smiled at his drowsy, but still utterly adorable, face. The doctor stayed and ran through some information with me. How Gerard will need to stay at the hospital for a little longer until he’s fully conscious then when we take him home he’ll have to stay in an upright position that is comfortable for him and all that stuff. They said it will be difficult for him to walk sometimes and use his shoulders.

He has to come get his stitches removed in one week, but he won’t be totally healed for at least five weeks. The doctor suggested temporary home schooling until he’s all better.

“Bridgette, in a little while if you’d like to go to bed we have a guest wing where you can sleep for the night.” The doctor informed me kindly.

I nodded my head, partially ignoring him. I just kept looking at Gerard. The doctor noticed this and left. I leaned over Gerard and kissed his forehead.

“See? You’re fine, Gerard. It’s all good now.” I whispered to him, gently stroking his hair.

A drunken smirk spread across his face. His eyes were still rolling around and his lids were drooping. He closed his eyes for a little while. About ten minutes later he opened them again.

“Are they done, Bri?” He yawned, still a little dazed.

“Yup, you’re all fixed now. How are you feeling?” I inquired.

“Ok, I guess. As good as a guy can feel with three broken ribs and a steel brace holding them still.”

“That’s good. Did you hear the doctor say you have to say here just a little longer? Then we can go home.”

“Back to your house?”

“Yes, back to my house.”

“Where am I going to sleep?”

“Um…I never thought of that.”

“Could I sleep with you? Please? I don’t want to be all alone.”

“I’ll see what I can do. Now, let me call my mum and tell her to start heading out here and I’ll ask her about where you’ll be staying.”


I left his room for a moment and went out into the waiting room. I talked to my mum on my cell phone and told her Gerard was almost ready to go home.

“Mum, is it ok if Gerard sleeps with me in my bed tonight. He said he doesn’t want to be all alone and I want to take care of him and make sure he gets better.”


“Come on, mum. It’s not like we’re going to do anything. The boy can barely breath let alone…anything else.”

“I know. I guess it’s all right if you sleep together. You’re father is going to kill both of you if anything happens that shouldn’t.”

“Yeah, yeah I know. Nothing is going to happen that shouldn’t. I promise.”

“Good girl. Now, I’m heading up to get you guys right now.”

“See you in a few.”


I hung up with my mum and journeyed down the corridor to Gerard’s room. He was sitting up in his bed, wide-awake. He beamed at me when I walked in.

“Everything is settled.” I stated.



“Ha, I am the luckiest guy ever!”

“Why’s that?”

“Because I get to sleep with my girlfriend already and we’ve only been together for less than seven hours.”

“Ha, well you have a point there.”

Gerard smiled contently and rested his head on the pillow thingy sewn to the top of his bed cover. I sat back down in my chair and folding my arms across the bed railing, resting my head on them.

Half an hour later Mum came to pick us up Gerard got the ‘ok’ from his doctors to go home and we carefully got him in the car via wheelchair. That’s right, he has a wheelchair, but he only has to use it when out of the house. They figure he should be able to support himself enough to go very short distances.

“Can you get the stairs by yourself?” I asked Gerard, helping him up and placing my hands on his back while he climbed the staircase.

“I think I got it.” He answered me.

I followed him up the stairs and we went into my room. I flipped on the light and Gerard looked around at my stuff.

“I like…” He mumbled, pointing to all the Smashing Pumpkins, HIM, Green Day, and AFI stuff I had cluttering my room.

I smiled to myself and started pulling the sheets down on my bed. Then I remembered Gerard probably wouldn’t want to sleep in the clothes he was wearing now.

“Hang on one second, Gee.” I said.

I left my room and snuck into David’s room. David was passed out on his bed. I opened one of his drawers and rummaged through it and found a t-shirt. Then I opened another one and grabbed some of his sweatpants, thankful that Gerard and David are almost the exact same size.

“Here you go.”

I handed Gerard the clothes.

“I might need some help…” He blushed.

I sighed and carefully rolled his shirt up to get it over his head a little easier. He put the new shirt on and then stood up. He managed to change his pants by himself while I turned around and looked at the wall. He is still really shy.

I spun back around and helped Gerard ease himself onto his back on one side of the bed. I made sure he was comfortable before leaving to change into my pajamas. I came back and carefully rolled onto the mattress a few feet from Gerard.

“I’m so lucky to have you, Bridgette.” Gerard breathed. “My dad wouldn’t even have taken me in. I can’t thank you enough.”

“It’s my pleasure, Gerard. You’re my friend and I want you to be treated well.”

Gerard turned his head and looked at me. He smiled gratefully. I leaned over and kissed him on the lips quickly.

“Good night.” I bid him, pulling the comforter over us.

“Good night.”
♠ ♠ ♠
A long long long chapter

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