For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?

Good Afternoon?

When my eyes opened on Friday morning, an orange beam of light was shining between a crack in my curtains. I sighed and looked to my right. Gerard was lying peacefully under the covers with me. His eyes were open and staring at the ceiling.

“Good morning.” He said, turning his head towards me. “Or should I say good afternoon?”

“How long have you been up?” I inquired drowsily.

“About an hour.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“That’s ok. You’re just tired.”

“Yeah, and I bet you are too.”

“Just a bit. The pain in my side is kind of keeping me awake.”

“That sucks. You want something to eat? I’ll help you sit up.”

“That sounds good.”

I carefully rolled out of bed and walked to the other side. Gerard held onto my shoulders and I eased him up so that he was sitting straight up against my headboard. He winced, but thanked me.

“Comfortable?” I asked.


I grinned and went downstairs. My mum was in the kitchen and was surprised to see me awake.

“Well, look who’s up.” She commented.

I sighed and went to the freezer. I found a box of soft pretzels. That sounded good. I got some out of the bag and put them on a big plate, then into the microwave. When they were done heating I took them upstairs.

“This ok?” I asked Gerard, showing him the pretzels.

He nodded and I cautiously sat down beside him, handing him a pretzel and taking the one for myself. We ate in silence, unsure of what to say or if anything was to be said. Gerard twitched his foot and touched mine. I bit my lip and smiled at him.

“You know, you’re my best friend, Bridgette.” Gerard told me sheepishly to break the silence.

“Aw, you’re my best friend too, Gee.” I replied, my heart completely melting.

“Who are you talking to, Bridgette?” David shouted before opening my bedroom door. “Whoa! Mum didn’t say you had a sleepover.”

He snickered and I rolled my eyes.

“She didn’t tell you? Gerard broke some of his ribs so he’s living with us until they’re healed.” I informed my twin.

“Ouch, that really sucks. Well, Gerard I guess you’re my brother now. Welcome to the family.”

“No! Ew, I don’t want him to be your brother because then that makes him my brother and I would rather just keep him as my boyfriend.”

David groaned and left, commenting that he should leave before we started kissing or something. I giggled and looked at Gerard again. He was blushing so I pecked him on the cheek and went back to my pretzel.
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