For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?

Bath Time!

“Wakie, wakie Gerard!” I cheered loudly, ruffling his black hair.

He reluctantly opened his eyes and glared at me sarcastically. I gave him a cheesy smile.

“You get your stitches out today.” I reminded.

He groaned and slammed my pillow over his face. I pulled it off of him and helped him sit up. He said he was in less pain now and that his ribs were probably on their way to healing finally.

I helped him to his feet and walked him to the door. We went down the stairs and he plopped himself down in his wheelchair.

“Anxious, Gerard?” David wondered.

“I just want to get this over with. I haven’t showered in a week.” Gerard told him.

“Ew, that’s right you haven’t. Maybe David can help you wash when we get home.” I suggested.

David’s eyes bugged out of his head. Gerard blushed a deep crimson color and I gave him an apologetic smile. I didn’t mean to embarrass him.

“But seriously.” I continued. “David, you don’t need to get in with him. Just wait outside the door and help him with his shirt and stuff. I figure it’d be less awkward for you to do it than me…or Mum.”

“Yeah, but you’re his girlfriend. If he were our cousin or something I’d do it, but I think this is more your area.” David protested.

“Oh, David, just help the poor boy put his pants on!” Mum interjected, thoroughly annoyed by our arguing.

“Fine.” David sighed.

He can’t stand making Mum angry; neither can I. Mum went into the garage to get in the car and I followed her pushing Gerard. He lifted himself into the backseat and I shoved the wheelchair in the trunk. I slid in next to Gerard in the back and we set off for the hospital.

In about half an hour Gerard was a hospital gown again, lying in a bed awaiting the doctor’s arrival. After waiting for a long long time, the doctor finally came in. Gerard was extremely antsy and they had to wait a few more minutes for him to settle down.

“This should only sting a little bit, Gerard.” The nurse told him.

Gerard nodded and closed his eyes so he didn’t have to watch them pull the thread out of his abdomen. It only took about three minutes. Gerard asked me to hold a damp paper towel over the spot they’d taken the stitches out of. He said it took the stinging away and stopped the bleeding.

“It also makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.” Gerard added when Mum excused herself to the bathroom.

Gerard and I both turned pink. He gave me an adorable smile and laid his head back onto his pillow. I removed the paper towel and tossed it into the trashcan. I stood next to Gerard again and was just about to give him a hug when the doctor charged in again, wanting Gerard for some updated x-rays.

I sighed and let them take him out of the room. Twenty minutes later they returned. The doctor put the prints on the screen.

"Well, Gerard, looks like you’re being very well taken care of. Your ribs should be healed back together in three weeks instead of four. Just keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll be good as new real quick.” The doctor explained.

Mum and I grinned proudly. Gerard sighed with relief. He got dressed again and we went home.

“Bath time, Gee!” I giggled, getting a towel from the linen closet and throwing it over the shower curtain rod.

I started the water up. David trudged in and laid some of his own clothes on the counter. Gerard beamed at us gratefully and started undressing as soon as I left. I sat in my bedroom and flipped through my physics binder, looking for the homework I’d started the day before.

I heard David and Gerard talking through the door. Then the door opened and David went in the bathroom with Gerard. I smirked to myself and put my binder away. I spotted Gerard’s sketchpad peaking out from under his pillow. I looked over my shoulder at the door and slid it out quietly.

I flipped it open to a page with a drawing of Billy Corgan. It was really good! The next page was a very twisted, but very well done vampire. As I was about to turn the page again, someone appeared in the doorway.

“Ahem.” Gerard coughed. “Do you mind?”

I looked up. Gerard stood straight, supporting himself with the doorframe. He gazed at me as if I were a puppy who’d done something bad, but was too cute to scold. I apologized quietly and put the book back under his pillow.

He carefully walked around the bed and eased himself onto the mattress, wincing with pain as his back touched the headboard.

“Why couldn’t I have broken my arm or something?” He complained. “Then we could still do stuff, you know?”

I giggled and he glared at me.

“Not like that.” He assured me.

“Sorry.” I muttered.

I cuddled up against him, careful not to move him at all, and put my hand on his thigh.

“When you get all better, I’ll take you out somewhere to a place where we can run around and stupid, ok?” I told Gerard.

“That sounds amazing.”

Gerard smiled at me warmly and kissed me on the nose.
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Sorry it's been so long. School and holidays and all that crap has gotten in the way of my writing.

Comment please!!
