For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?

He's Got Some Kind Of Vice Like Grip On Me

Gerard finally returned to school, completely healed. Unfortunately, so did Tyler and all his friends. Apparently the fight had only earned them two measly months of suspension. I thought for sure they’d all been kicked out. Social status is evidently good for something.

Gerard, David, and I walked to the bus stop together Monday morning. It happened to be the first day back after Thanksgiving break. It was a bit chilly outside so we all walked close together.

We’re the only ones at the stop. Today, since Gerard was living with us at the moment, we have to arrange to whole bus thing so the driver knows there is someone new on board. It was simple enough.

“New kid.” David told our driver, Flo.

“Ok.” She replied.

I giggled quietly and sat down in my usual seat #5. David was about to sit next to me, but I pushed him out of the way.

“No, this is new kid’s seat.” I told him.

He scoffed and moved, allowing Gerard to sit beside me. David grumbled and went farther back to find a vacant spot. Gerard smirked and thanked me quietly, taking my hand in his and hiding them in between us.

The day went smoothly, for me anyway. Gerard was so busy trying to catch up in all his classes. I felt bad for him.

“Nice of you to join us again Mr. Way.” Mrs. Snomel said in choir. “Feeling better?”

Gerard nodded his head sheepishly. I was so used to hearing him talk and laugh at home that I forgot how incredibly shy and closed up he is at school. Mrs. Snomel smiled, a bit confused, and continued with the song we were learning.

On our way to lunch, David and I walked together. We were going to wait for Gerard outside the cafeteria since he was on the other side of the school. He was just approaching us when Tyler cut him off. I cursed under my breath and shook my head. I was about to step forward, but David grabbed my shoulder.

“No, don’t intervene. He needs to rebuild his masculine dignity.” He muttered.

I ignored him. I wasn’t going to fight Tyler for Gerard. I was going to fight Tyler with Gerard. There is a difference you know.

I impatiently walked towards Tyler and Gerard. David trailed behind me. I squeezed my way next to Gerard and stood slightly behind him.

“Good to see you back, puppet. You brought your girlfriend too!” Tyler mocked.

Gerard looked a little shocked. Apparently he hadn’t noticed me standing behind him. He turned his head over his shoulder and looked at me.

“Don’t get involved, Bridgette.” He whispered.

“I won’t unless I have to.” I assured him.

That was a bit of a fib. I would probably get really involved without realizing it. That’s just how I operate.

“We have some unfinished business, you and I. Last I remember you were lying on the concrete, merely unconscious. My goal was to leave you dead.”

Gerard, David, and I all gasped quietly at what Tyler said. Dead? He wanted to kill Gerard? What the heck did Gerard ever do to him? I wanted to know.

“What did Gerard ever do to you?” I demanded.

Gerard stuck his arm out in front of me protectively. I ignored it.

“It’s not what he did to me. It’s what you did to me. Back in the seventh grade. Remember? I asked you to the spring dance and you said no. That broke my heart to pieces, Bri.”

Tyler’s voice softened and he stepped closer to me, fingering the collar of my shirt and putting his face right in front of mine until I could feel his hot breath on my face. Gerard scowled and shoved Tyler away from me. Thankfully he let go of my shirt or else we’d have pulled a Justin Timberlake/Janet Jackson move.

“What the h*ll, man?!” Tyler yelled, coming back with fire in his eyes. “She was mine before she was yours.”

My jaw dropped as well as David and Gerard’s.

“I was never yours, Tyler.” I shot back. “We have never been together and we never will be. I don’t know what on earth possessed you to think something stupid like that.”

“Well, we may not have ever been together as boyfriend and girlfriend, but I’ve always had a bit of a crush on you. That is until that time in seventh grade. That’s also why I’m going to kill Gerard. It’s called a war of attrition. Picking off the other side one by one. See, I do my science homework.”

“That’s history, dumb a*s.”

“Whichever. The important thing is that I get my girl and Gerard sees and early grave. Let’s start now.”

Tyler threw a fierce punch at Gerard, but it was blocked. Not by me, but by Gerard himself. He took Tyler’s clenched fist and twisted it in one swift motion. Tyler was on the ground, hugging his elbow to his chest.

“Nice one.” David laughed, patting Gerard on the shoulder.

“Thanks.” He mumbled.

We all walked away from the whimpering Tyler and went into the cafeteria. Elena and Ericka stood in the doorway with their mouths hanging open. I took the liberty of shutting them and cruised into the cafeteria like nothing had happened.

“Um, you do know, Gerard, that since you hurt Tyler you are now at the mercy of the whole football team?” David warned him.

“They’ll totally destroy you…no offense.” Elena added, blushing a little.

“I’m not really a violent person, but if any of them make a move towards Bri, they’re getting their a*s kicked.” Gerard growled darkly.

That kind of turned me on for some reason. Not in a sexy way, though. More of a ‘oh my hero’ kind of way. Corny.
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Eeh hee hee I gots more ideas!!!!

Comment pleeeaaassseee!!!!!!
