For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?


“You know, that Gerard kid is really confusing me.” I told David in study hall on the first day.


“Because he’s so…mysterious. He doesn’t talk during class and yet he fought Tyler in the hallway like it was nothing.”

“Hmm… I see your point. He is a new kid remember. It must have been hard coming to a new school in his junior year. He probably left a lot of his friends.”

“Yeah, but don’t you think he would have tried to reach out to somebody by now?”

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think he may have reached out to you.”

“How? When?”

“Think, Bridgette. In your choir class, in the hallway…”

“Perhaps you’re right. Maybe he’ll be taking music theory and he’s in my class next period. I need to take some more observations.”

“Bridgette, David, I suggest you two stop chatting and work on something.” Mrs. Revello warned us.

“It’s the first day of school. What do you expect us to do?” I protested.

Mrs. Revello glared at me so I turned around in my seat. I pulled a blank notebook out of my backpack and wrote down a few things.

My subject of study is newcomer, Gerard. He’s a very mysterious, haunting, and mesmerizing junior who talks to no one and doesn’t seem to have any friends. He is in three of my classes and possibly four. My goal is to talk to him and get him to open up a little bit.

I was going to continue elaborating, but David interrupted my thoughts by poking my shoulder. He read what I wrote and laughed.

“You’re talking about him as if he was an animal.” He commented.

“So? He’s a delicate creature.”

“That’s what you may think now, but he might be a monster.”

David wiggled his eyebrows when he said the last part. That was a sign that he meant what he said in the dirtiest way possible. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Then my mind was flooded with images that I really didn’t need in my thoughts right now.

“Thanks a lot, D. Like I needed those mental pictures.” I mumbled.

“Wait, you thought of it that way? Ooh, Bridgette has a crush on the new kid.” David taunted.

“What are you talking about? I don’t like the new kid. I was just heavily persuaded by the subliminal messages you sent in that sentence.”


“It’s the truth!”

“Jackson…Jackson! Work!” Mrs. Revello scolded.

I sighed angrily and whispered, “I don’t like the new kid,” quickly before turning back to my notebook.

Now the thoughts polluted my mind. Gerard is hot, but come on. It’s only been one day. I’m still trying to figure him out. I sunk down in my chair and wondered if Gerard would be in my music theory class. If he is then I might get to see if he’s one of those quiet guys with the beautiful minds. That would be awesome.

Next period I walked into my music theory class and sat down ear the back. There were four rows of desks and three columns. Each column had a short line of three desks in it. I sat at the end of one of the lines of desks in the farthest corner.

Just before the bell rang Gerard walked in. He looked back at me and turned his head. He looked at the other back corner, which still had two open seats and made his way towards them, but was cut off by two girls. The middle section was full so his only options were the two seats next to me. He put his bag in the middle desk and sat at the end, sighing angrily.

I frowned a little bit and directed my attention to the teacher. She was introducing herself and passing out a syllabus. I looked down at mine. We were going to be covering all the basics for the first month like what notes do this and that and all the nifty little symbols. Then we’ll finally start writing our own music. That’ll be fun. I want to know what Gerard comes up with.
As I daydreamed about what kind of music he would write, Mrs. Turner caught me off guard by saying something I had secretly hoped she’d say.

“The seats you chose today are your permanent seats for the whole year.”

Gerard trembled beside me. Why was he so afraid of sitting by me? Perhaps he sees me as a threat because I am intrigued by him. Is he really that afraid of having a friend?
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is dedicated to Danny who digs my story. ♥

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