For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?

Bad Boys: Whatcha Gonna Do When They Come For You?

The next morning, Gerard and I woke up together like every morning. Gerard got dressed first and then I went to get dressed. While I was brushing my hair I noticed the big bruise on my neck. Still swollen and very discolored, there was the mammoth hickey Gerard left me last night. That was not going to flow very well at school or with my parents for that matter.

I hurried out of the bathroom and went into my room, shutting the door behind me. Gerard was sitting on the bed, packing up his backpack.

"I need a scarf or something." I told him.

He jumped up and helped me search through my closet for something that would completely cover me up. We settled on a black and white, thick, neck scarf. I wrapped it around me and Gerard helped fan it out over my scar.

"Gosh, I'm still really sorry about that, Bri." He sighed.

"It's fine. Let me see your back."

Gerard turned again like he had the night before. I pulled his shirt up to his shoulders and laughed.

"Wow. You look like Julius Caesar...after he was stabbed 27 times."

Gerard burst out laughing, as did I. I tugged his shirt back down and checked my scarf in the mirror one more time. I packed my bag and Gerard and I went downstairs to eat breakfast. When we were finally ready to go, David, Gerard, and I all walked down to the bus stop.

"I know what you guys did last night." David stated darkly.

"And what would that be?" I challenged him, squeezing Gerard's hand a little.

"You guys got sexy!" David sang, dancing around like a stripper. "And you have a hickey."

"What?!" I screamed.

"You do. Come on, let me see it."

David tried to pull on my scarf, but I batted his hand away.

"Just really fast. No one else is around." David pleaded.

"Fine." I sighed, annoyed.

I pulled my scarf down a little bit to show David. His jaw dropped.

"Holy crap!" He laughed.

David leaned towards me.

"I told you he was an animal." He whispered in my ear suggestively.

I rolled my eyes and fixed my scarf just as the bus started rumbling around the corner.

At lunch, Gerard and I were at peace. No one had noticed anything different about us. Even Ericka and Elena didn't say anything. The other peaceful thing about lunch was that we hadn't seen Tyler yet. As soon as I realized that, I jinxed myself.

"What are you hiding, Bridgette? Is Gerard abusing you?" Tyler asked me loud enough for everyone in the cafeteria to hear.

My jaw dropped and I twisted around in my seat, taking time to notice the fuming look on Gerard's face. Tyler grabbed my scarf and pulled it off.

"Oh it's a hickey!" He shouted.

People in neighboring tables started laughing and whispering. I snatched my scarf back from Tyler. Gerard got up from the table swiftly and grabbed the collars of Tyler's shirt.

"You know you really need to back off of me and my girlfriend. We really don't appreciate your comments." Gerard growled.

He threw Tyler backwards, but he landed on his feet. I swallowed hard and tried my hardest to keep my butt planted in my seat.

"Don't touch me, puppet!" Tyler fired back, shoving Gerard.

"I'll touch you if I want to, jerk! Now butt out of my life and stay the h*ll away from my girlfriend, got it?!"

Gerard pushed him again. Now they were out in the aisle in the center of the cafeteria. Everyone was silent, watching. Tyler didn't reply and just stood there, glaring at Gerard. I felt my hands start shaking. Tyler lashed out and tackled Gerard to the ground as if they were playing a fierce football game. Now, about half the people in the cafeteria launched off their seats to form a circle around my boyfriend and my enemy.

I pushed my way to the front of the circle. Gerard and Tyler were throwing punches at each other, but I'm proud to say it looked like Gerard was dominating the battle. After about twenty tense seconds, the security guards moved in. Gerard surrendered to them quickly and moved to my side. Tyler, however, needed to be restrained by two guards.

"You're going to regret that, puppet!" He shrieked as the guards forced him away. "You and Bridgette are DEAD!"

My face went ghost white as well as Gerard, David, Ericka, and Elena's. Hearing those words out of Tyler's mouth had made my mouth go bone dry and my knees began shaking. I turned my attention to Gerard. The security guards were about to take him away. I looked up at his face. His lip was busted and there was a small bruise forming on his cheek bone. Other than that he looked ok. I grasped his hand.

"Thank you." I whispered, just before the guards escorted him out of the cafeteria.

He gave me a small smile and left. I hope they don't expel him. That was the second time he's been busted for fighting. Although the first time he didn't get in trouble. I sighed sadly and returned to my seat.

"I'm not hungry anymore." I muttered, leaving my tray and walking out to the courtyard.

I sat down in the shadow of the building. I put my Smashing Pumpkins bag down on the concrete beside me and hugged my knees to my chest. What if Gerard gets expelled? I don't know where he'd go if he was. Mum wouldn't be too thrilled if she had to send him somewhere else. I would die if he had to go somewhere else especially if it involved him moving away. We weren't his legal guardians anyway.

The bell rang signaling the end of my lunch period. I remained sitting in the courtyard, wondering whether or not I should skip the rest of 5th period or go back to class. Just before the tardy bell rang I trekked back to the Frau's room.

"Where'd you go?" David wondered.

I shook my head and sat down in my seat silently. I mechanically moved through the rest of the day until school was over. I walked back through the courtyard alone, heading towards my bus, hoping to see Gerard again. Then I thought my eyes were deceiving me. They were playing a cruel prank. Gerard was standing under the bell tower with his hands casually in his pockets. He was looking at me and smiling. My jaw dropped and I ran towards him. Gerard caught me in his arms and giggled a little bit.

"How much trouble did you get in?" I wondered, grinning up at him.

"I'll tell you when we get off the bus." He assured me.

I nodded and stood outside the door of the bus.

"Ladies first." Gerard said, ushering me up the stairs. He followed closely behind me.

"Such a gentleman." Flo commented.

Gerard and I sat down and David got on soon after. We left the school and started driving towards our neighborhood. I held hands with Gerard the whole time. I was thankful that the whole hand holding thing hadn't become robotic with us. I hate how some couples just grab each other's hand and they're not even looking at each other or talking to each other.

We got off the bus and the three of us started walking down the street.

"Ok, Gee. Spill." I demanded.

"All right. I got five days of OSS." He admitted quickly.

"Aw, that's sucks!"

"That's it?!" David yelled.

"Yeah. I didn't initiate the fight so they let me off easy. Now want to hear some good news?"


"Tyler is kicked off the football team, expelled, and we get to file a restraining order."

"Holy crap. That's the best news I've heard in a long time."

"Yeah, me too. You're mum isn't going to flip when she finds out about my OSS will she?"

"We'll find out." David and I said in unison.
♠ ♠ ♠
OSS = Out of School Suspension

This chapter is loooonnggg

Comment please?
