For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?


Mum had reacted decently to Gerard's OSS. She was very proud of him for standing up for himself and for me. For now I wasn't worried about that. As soon as we'd gotten home and explained what had happened to my mum I immediately set to work fixing up Gerard's lip. It had dried up fairly well at school, but I just had to kiss and make it all better. When we were through I began thinking about what had happened the night before.

"So, Gerard, I was wondering. Why'd you bite me so hard?" I mused awkwardly as we sat on our bed together.

"Well." Gerard sighed. "I'm not a vampire or anything. I can tell you that right now. It's just...I have a lot of pent up...tension and I accidentally let some of it out last night. You see, my dad was a firm believer that only gay guys touch themselves. Therefore, I've never done it before. You can't even imagine how stressful that is for a sixteen year old guy."

I nodded. That made plenty of sense to me. I felt really bad for him. Even David enjoys some "happy time" every now and then.

"Yeah, I know you can release all that stress on me whenever you want." I muttered, winking at him suggestively.

Gerard stared at me with his jaw hanging open. A stupid smile spread across his face and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me into him.

"Ha, now I know why you're my best friend." He chuckled.

Gerard pressed his lips several times to my temple. I grinned and stroked the back of his hands while he did so.

"I'm really going to miss you at school this week." I whimpered randomly.

"I'm going to miss you too, baby, but look on the bright side. When you get home in the afternoon I'll be right here waiting for you." Gerard assured me.

"Yeah, that's definitely a bright side, but it still sucks that you got punished."

"I deserved it. I'm sorry you had to see me like that, Bri. I'm just sick of how Tyler treats you. Something had to be done. I couldn't have kept quiet any longer."

"Well I appreciate you standing up for me. You're an amazing friend and an even better boyfriend."

I turned my head and kissed Gerard deeply on the mouth. He grunted lightly due to the pressure on his busted lip. I eased up, but continued.

In the morning I woke up at my normal school day time and Gerard was still fast asleep beside me. I looked down at his beautiful, peaceful face glowing slightly in the pale light entering my window. I resisted stroking his cheek and sighed, standing up and quietly getting some jeans and a shirt. I changed in the bathroom and headed downstairs where David was eating some cereal.

As I sat down to my toasted Pop-tarts, Gerard appeared in the doorway of the kitchen, scratching his head and yawning. I swear his hair is so adorable when he gets up. It's all stuck out from his head and curled up.

"How is missing school and sleeping in a punishment?" David wondered.

"Because the school people assume that a child that gets suspended will get some kind of alternate punishment from their parents." I answered him.

"Yeah." Gerard chuckled. "Good thing my parents are in jail."

"Oh, don't think you're getting off that easy, Gerard." Mum said, entering the kitchen and putting her hands on Gerard's shoulders.

Gerard jerked his head around and gave Mum a deer-in-the-headlights look. David smirked and put his bowl in the dishwasher. I frowned a little and left to go grab my backpack.
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Warning: the next chapter will be extremely short!!!!!

Comment please????
