For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?

You See Me Creeping Like A Stalker

After seven long, monotonous hours I got off the bus and practically sprinted home with David trailing behind me.

"Gerard isn't going anywhere!!" David yelled to me.

I ignored him and continued running home. I flew through the door and saw Gerard sitting on the couch. I discarded my back pack and tackled him. He greeted me with a loud UMPH followed by a very cute little laugh.

"Did you miss me?" He giggled.

"Yeah!" I replied, laying on top of him.

"Well, I missed you too."

"So did Mrs. Snomel. She flipped when I told her you had OSS."

"I can imagine."

"Oh geez, guys. Get a room would you?" David complained, finally walking through the front door.

I glared at him and he rolled his eyes. He left and I laid my head on Gerard's chest. I inhaled deeply.

"You showered today." I commented randomly.

"How can you tell?"

"You smell SO good."

"Ha ha, thanks. David told me you totally love Axe so I went and got a can today."

"You don't know how much I appreciate that."

"What? Did you not like my other cologne?"

"No, no it's not that. I just like this one more."

"I was just teasing."

Gerard smiled and ruffled my bangs. I pushed myself off of him, taking time to notice that his abs didn't give at all when I pressed my hands into them. I looked back over my shoulder and winked at Gerard. I picked up my backpack and hurried up the stairs. Not long after, he chased after me.

We were both in our room. I put my stuff down and Gerard shut the door. My parents had given us their blessing so we could shut the door when we were both in the bedroom.

I looked at Gerard hungrily. He bit his lip and glanced over my head, then back at me. He sat down next to me on the bed and I cuddled up to his arm. Gerard reached behind me and pulled something from under his pillow.

"Eh, Bri. I don't mean to kill the mood, but I have something I need to tell you." He told me quietly.

He pulled his sketch pad around me and placed it on his lap. It had a tattered cardboard cover and a metal spiral bent out of shape. There were tons of paper scrap jutting out in every direction. I looked at it with interest. Gerard slowly turned the pages.

He stopped and opened to a page with a very detailed and extremely impressive drawing of something. It looked like a girl sleeping. It looked like me. I tilted my head and looked at Gerard questioningly. He read my expression and continued to turn the page. There were about thirty of them. All were slightly different from each other.

"You're my favorite model." Gerard confessed almost silently.

" do you draw me when I'm sleeping?" I wondered.

"After you go to bed I stay up for a little while. When I know you're fast asleep I get up and sit in the computer chair. Then I draw you by moonlight. I just love the peaceful look on your face. I'm sorry though. I know it's kind of creepy."

" sweet and beautiful as these drawing are I have to tell you the truth. It is a little creepy."

Gerard looked a little sad, but not entirely shocked by what I'd told him. He nodded and closed the sketch book.

"I understand." He muttered. "You want to kick me out or something?"

"No! Why on earth would you think something like that? I'm not going to kick you out for this, Gerard. Just promise me one little thing."


"Draw me when I'm awake."
♠ ♠ ♠
That's his secret. He draws her when she's asleep. Kinda creepy. O_O
Drama is in the future!!!!!

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