For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?

Three Strikes You're Out

I silently walked over to Gerard and sat down beside him. David leaned in the doorway, his brows knit together.

"Bridgette, this is Mr. Swanson. He's here to talk to us about Gerard. Where he has to go, that is. Both his parents are in jail and we aren't his legal guardians." Mum explained.

I gulped and felt my skin completely lose all its color. Gerard put his arm around my waist.

"Yes, Gerard's legal guardian is his aunt who lives in Iowa. He'll have to move there and live with her now until he's eighteen." Mr. Swanson, who had an uncanny resemblance to Beethoven, explained.

"Iowa?" I stammered. "T-that's so far away though."

"Indeed it is, but there are lots of technologies these days. You can both keep in touch, I'm sure."

Hearing all this from a total stranger completely enraged me. Who was this guy to tell me I can just let my boyfriend go to Iowa and just drop him a note on the freakin' Pony Express?? It's not the same! I need Gerard with me in order to function. It's like those stop smoking commercials where they show people trying to do their daily tasks without a cigarette. I'm addicted to Gerard.

"No. I am not going to let you take him away from me!" I exclaimed, tears welling up in my eyes and brimming over and down my cheeks.

I put my arms around Gerard and hugged him close to me.

"But Bridgette, sweetie, we have to let him go." Mum assured me.

"Can't we keep him for the holidays?!" I protested.

"Yeah, God isn't happy unless his children are happy. There is no crying in Hanukkah." David added.

I smiled at him and he winked. Mr. Swanson looked at my mum and I could tell they were having some freakish adult telepathic conversation. Mr. Swanson sighed.

"January 2nd, he's out." He said finally.

A huge grin spread across mine and Gerard's faces. I let out the deep breath I was holding in and panted to catch my breath.

"Thank you." I muttered before burying my face deep into Gerard's shirt while clutching the lapels of his denim jacket.

I heard Mum stand up and Mr. Swanson move to pick up something, probably a briefcase.

"You know, I've talked to a lot of teenagers and I've never seen such a devoted couple before in my life." Mr. Swanson told my mother on is way out the front door.

Hearing that made me smile and snuggle up to Gerard even more. Then David sat down behind me and patted my back. I turned around and gave him a quick hug.

"Thank you, David." I said sincerely.

"No problem...little sis." David replied.

I laughed and fell backwards into Gerard's arms. He caught me as if he'd been expecting it, which only made me smile even more. But then my huge grin turned into a small frown. Gerard tilted his head.

"What's wrong, babe?" He wondered.

"You still have to leave." I reminded him.

"Yes, but not for a while. We've still got about three weeks together. Let's make some memories."

For some reason what he said gave me butterflies in the pit of my stomach. Perhaps it was the way he said it.

"Yes, let's make some memories."

Gerard held out his hand. I placed mine in it and he closed his strong, pale fingers around my smaller fingers and kissed the back of my hand. I tugged his hand over and put it on the left side of my chest, right over my heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
There is a teacher at my school that's named Mr. Swanson and he looks like Beethoven. Scary.

Comment if you love me. Lol
