For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?

I'll Kiss You Like A Hero

Hanukkah turned out to be very fun and very memorable, but for our extra two weeks off, Gerard and I wanted to make sure we made as many new memories as we could.

"I'd say we should go to the mall, but it's Christmas eve. It'll be packed...and closing early." I told Gerard.

We were both laying next to each other on our bed, staring up at the ceiling. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed, arching my back to stretch my abdomen muscles. Gerard turned his head towards me.

"We should pull an all-nighter tonight." He said excitedly.

"Excuse me?!"

"No, not like that. I mean we should just stay up all night together. Perhaps go sit outside for a while after it gets dark. Look at the stars."

"Hm, now that I've turned my perverted mind off that sounds really nice."


"So what do we do now since it's the middle of the afternoon?"


"Sounds good to me."

Gerard smiled and closed his eyes. I closed mine for a moment too and then peaked out at him. I slowly lifted myself off the mattress and paused to be sure he didn't open his eyes at all. When he remained totally still for about twenty seconds I jumped on him, tickling his stomach and sides. He let out a girlish shriek and burst out laughing.

"Ah, stop, Bridgette!" He screamed, trying to fight me off of him, but not succeeding of course. "Get off! Get off!"

With a burst of strength, Gerard rolled over so he was on top of my tickling my stomach instead. I screamed and tried to fight back. Suddenly the bedroom door flung open and we stopped, our faces pink and warm. David was standing in the doorway with a disappointed look on his face.

"Dang it!" He exclaimed. "I was really hoping to catch you guys in the act."

"You're sick." Gerard told him, scrunching up his nose.

David stuck out his tongue and left. Gerard turned back to me and put an arm across my chest, pulling me down onto the mattress with him. I searched his gorgeous hazel eyes and sighed. Within a few minutes we were both fast asleep and didn't wake up until David pounded on our door for dinner.

After we ate, the sun had all ready set, leaving the streets pitch black. Gerard and I sat in our room for a while until we heard David and my parents drift off to bed. Then we snuck downstairs and walked out of the house. Both of us were only wearing hoodies and it was about ten degrees outside.

"I'm starting to regret this all ready, darling. How about you?" Gerard wondered through chattering teeth.

"It's not too bad." I assured him, pulling him down onto the driveway next to me.

We snuggled up to each other, using our body heat to keep each other as warm as possible. I looked up at the sky. Thousands of stars were visible despite the light from the Christmas decorations lining my street. Our house was the only one without lights. All we had was a blue Star of David hanging in the front window.

"That star reminds me of you." Gerard said, pointing to a bright light green star, or so I assumed that was the one he was talking about...

"Why's that?" I asked him, puzzled.

"Because it's beautiful."

"Aw, Gee, you're too sweet."

We grinned at each other and laid on our backs. I rested my head on Gerard's strong, warm chest. I listened to his steady heart beat and his deep breathing.

"Nine more days." I sighed.

"Yes, nine more days, but it'll be the greatest nine days ever, right?"

"Yeah, it will. Gerard?"

"What, darling?"

"On New Years at midnight will you kiss me? Even in front of my parents and David?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

"Well, you've always been kind of shy."

"That's true, but I am not shy around you anymore. I'm not shy around your parents or David anymore either. I really like your family and I enjoy being a part of it."

"I'm glad you're apart of it."

"You know, Bridgette? I have fallen in love with you. I have fallen so hard I may never be able to get up again."

Gerard paused. Both of us had tears in our eyes. That was the sweetest thing I had ever heard.

"And if I have to leave you for Iowa and I don't know what I will do with myself. I won't be able to sleep without you beside me and I won't be able to eat without your mum singing in the kitchen and I won't be able to live without knowing that you're ok and that you're safe here and that you are happy."

"Gerard I couldn't be happy without you no matter how many times we IMed or how much time we spent on the phone. I need you as much as I need water and oxygen."

"I love you, Bridgette."

"I love you too, Gerard."

"Now let's go inside before we freeze our *sses off."

With that, Gerard and I got up. He wrapped his arm around my waist and we went inside quietly and back up to our room.
"Sorry for ending our little moment so abruptly." Gerard apologized almost silently.

"It's ok." I beamed, sitting beside him on the bed and putting my head on his shoulder. "Now what?"

"I don't know. Sleep?"

"I thought you wanted to stay up all night."

"Oh well. If you're tired we can go to bed."

"Um, I guess I'm tired."


Gerard and I took turns changing into our pajamas and slid under the covers of our bed. I rolled onto my side and draped my arm over Gerard when he rolled over to face me. I kissed him softly.

"Merry Christmas." He laughed.

"Yeah, whatever."
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is long and poorly written.

Did anyone see my new banner on the front page?!?! I made that all by myself!! Isn't it awesome? Lol

Comment please.
