For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?

One Kiss Satisfaction

Gerard's POV

"You really love her don't you?" Aunt Elaine said stoically as we pulled onto the highway.

"You have no idea." I replied firmly.

I wasn't trying to sound hostile. She doesn't know how important Bridgette is to me. I just sat there in the front seat looking out the window at the clouds in the sky, cuddling up to the hat Bridgette had handed me just before I left. I had given her my Watchmen hoodie.

Aunt Elaine pushed a button on her dashboard. It turned on her stereo. Some old easy-listening crap started playing. It was the type of stuff we sang in choir at the beginning of the year. I frowned and shifted to find a position comfortable enough to sleep in.

"Gerard! Come on, Gee. We have to go to school now." Bridgette's voice rang, waking me from my sleep.

I got up and looked around. I was back in our bed. Bridgette was standing in the doorway already dressed with her backpack slung over her shoulder. She smiled at me and threw some clothes at me. I shut the bedroom door and changed. I met Bridgette and David downstairs and we left for the bus stop. I felt Bridgette's warm hand in mine. I looked down and smiled.

We waited for the bus and when it came we got on. It was just a normal day spent at school; a perfect day spent with Bridgette. After music theory, she and I walked out to the bell tower and sat down on the gum-coated sidewalk. Suddenly we were alone. Out of the 2, 200 students, we were the only ones around. There weren't even any buses around.

"I love you, Gerard." Bridgette whispered.

"I love you too, Bri." I replied, smiling.

I felt her lips press against to mine. Suddenly my view point changed. Instead of seeing the black abyss behind my eye lids, I saw Bridgette and I kissing as if I was a random passersby. I noticed all the details of both of us. Our faces, our hair, our clothes were just the way they always were. I inched myself closer to the two people in front of me. It seemed they didn't notice me. I was just about to reach out to touch Bridgette's hair when everything went blurry.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed.

I sat up and rubbed the side of my head, which had just collided with the window of Aunt Elaine's car. She laughed at me as I sat back, upset that my dream had been interrupted so violently.

"Sorry, Gerard. I hit a bump." Aunt Elaine chuckled. "You were sleeping pretty good though. I heard you mumbling something about Bridgette. Is that your girlfriend's name?"

"Yeah..." I replied.

Good to know my 'legal guardian' took the time to meet my girlfriend, from whom she was taking me away. Sarcasm.

I crossed my arms and noticed I was still holding Bridgette's hat. I sighed and turned it over a few times in my hands. Aunt Elaine turned the music down, thank God, and inhaled.

"'d you meet her? You never seemed like the kind of guy that would talk to girls." She wondered.

Great, someone else who thinks I should be gay. How f*cking comforting is that?

"We had a bunch of classes together and she started talking to me. We hung out at the library once and just became really good friends..." I explained, as vaguely as I could.

I was not in the mood to tell the whole story of my romantic life to my aunt. She nodded.

"How long have you been dating?"

"Two months and two days."

"That's not very long. You guys seem so much closer than that. How'd that happen?"

"She saved me."
♠ ♠ ♠

This story has a while to go yet, trust me.

Comment please!!


P.S. If you don't mind, original fiction fans, could you check out my story Your #1 Fan? I only have 9 readers on it. Danke!