For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?

Today Is Not The Greatest

It was Monday morning; first day back to school after winter break. I remainedwith Gerard inour my bed. When David pounded on my door I responded with an over dramatic groan. He slowly opened the door, flooding my room with light from the hallway.

"Bri? You going to school?" He asked quietly.

I dug my face down into my pillow. David waited patiently for my reply.

"No." I told him solidly.

David didn't respond. Instead he simply shut my door again, leaving me alone and in the dark. As the sun started to slowly crawl up into the sky I rolled over and placed my head on Gerard's pillow. I didn't let anyone touch it after he left. I wanted to preserve as much of him as I could. His Watchmen hoodie was hanging on my desk chair.

I inhaled Gerard's scent from the pillowcase. His Axe cologne and shampoo were still present in the fibers. The familiar smell comforted me, but wasn't comparable in anyway to the real thing.

I heard David leave for school by himself. Then someone climbed up the stairs. My door opened and Mum walked in. She sat on the edge of my bed and started rubbing my back.

"Not feeling well, Bridgette?" She wondered.

"I want Gerard back." I said, fighting back the tears that I'd become very familiar with over the last couple of days.

"I know you do, honey. You can call him later if you want. I bet he probably didn't go to school today."

"Yeah... I guess I'll call him."

I was too tired to sound enthusiastic. I wanted nothing more than to hear Gerard's voice again. I just wanted to here him say "I love you" so I could reply with "I love you too". It would be the highlight of my day.

Around 5PM I picked up my cell phone. I had gotten out of bed around 3 because I was tired of wallowing in my own self-pity. It made me feel incredibly pathetic.

I sat at the edge of my bed and hit speed dial #1, Gerard's phone. I waited for it to ring, holding the phone to my ear. Suddenly I heard something that made my stomach turn.

"Today is the greatest day I've ever known. Can't live for tomorrow. Tomorrow is much to long..."

My breathing staggered. I followed the music. I heard it get louder as I crouched down to look under my bed. Something was glowing down there. I reached in and pulled out Gerard's cell phone. It beeped, signaling a missed call after I snapped my phone shut. I rocked back and leaned against my bed, holding his phone to my chest and choking back a sob.
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2nd update in 1 day.

