For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?

Holding the Pillow Tight

Gerard's POV

"Here you go, Gerard. I hope you find this room suitable." Aunt Elaine said, presenting me my new bedroom. "I do laundry every Saturday, but if you get down and dirty in here I expect you to wash everything yourself."

I forced a small laugh and trudged into the little white room. I threw my suitcase and art box on my new bed. It was a one person bed with only one pillow. The walls were an obnoxious white with a thick black stripe running horizontally across the middle. It wasn't dreadful, but not exactly tasteful either. There was one giant window framed by a big set of black curtains. A small wooden desk was in the corner beside a dresser with a stereo sitting on it. A tiny twelve-inch TV was right beside it.

After I analyzed the room for five more minutes, I began unpacking. First I put my art box at the foot of my bed and put Bridgette's hat on my pillow. I put my clothes away in the dresser. At the bottom of my suitcase was a photo album Bridgette's mum had put together for me and given me on Hanukkah. I sat down on my bed and opened it.

There were pictures of us from Halloween, our fall choir concert, Thanksgiving, the day I came home with my broken ribs and started living there. Lots of pictures that brought memories to my mind and tears to my eyes. I didn't realize how loud I was sobbing until Aunt Elaine came up and asked me if everything was alright. I told I was just missing my friends and she left.

When I eventually put the album on top of my desk, I turned back to my suitcase. It was empty with the exception of a few comic action figures that I set up on my desk as well.

"Where is my phone?" I muttered to myself.

I searched every crease, pocket, and fold in my suitcase and my art box for my cell phone. There is no way I could have left it behind. It was my only way of reaching Bridgette. Aunt Elaine said the land line phone is unreliable and should only be used in emergencies. Her cell phone is on a different network and there is no internet here. I have virtually no way of contacting Bridgette now. My only option would be to write to her, but by the time the letter reached her, so much could happen, so much could change.

I kicked my bed frame out of frustration. A sharp pain ran up my shin. I growled and fell onto my bed. My head hung off the other side. I was too big for this mattress. There is no way I'd be comfortable. Not without Bridgette next to me.

"Aunt Elaine?" I said before going to bed.

"Yes, Gerard?"

"You wouldn't happen to have another pillow, would you?"

"Yeah, there should be one in the linen closet."

"Ok, thank you."

I went back upstairs and opened the door to the linen closet. There was another bed pillow laying on one of the shelves. I grabbed it and went back into my bedroom. I positioned myself on my side and hugged the pillow tight to my chest. It was no where near as good as the real Bridgette, but it would have to do for now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww he misses her so much!

