For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?

Not While I'm Around

Gerard's POV

"Dear Gerard,

I seriously started crying when I found your phone, but it isn't the end of the world. We can still write to each other. David is making me stay positive throughout this. I think it's because he was sick of seeing me mope around and cry for the first week you were gone. I still cry sometimes, but only when I go to bed.

I am so upset about your aunt. I can't believe she'd ask you stuff like that! It's disgusting! Just ignore her if she says anything like that again. You could probably call the cops on her for sexually harassing you, but I bet you don't want to have to go somewhere else...again. Gosh, Gerard I want you back here so bad! I shouldn't whine though since I still have my parents and my brother and my friends. Who do you have with you? No one! It's horrible. I hope you can find someone to talk to!

I think I saw Tyler the other day at Target. It was just a quick glance, but I'm pretty sure it was him. Wouldn't that be horrible if I ran into him? I mean, we have a restraining order, but Tyler has never been one to actually take a punishment. I'm impressed it has been this long all ready. I will tell you right away if I see him. Well, as soon as possible given the situation.

Ugh, I miss having you around so much. You were never a loud person, but the silence in the house is unbearable. I can't sense your presence. Oh no, that makes you sound like a ghost or something! Well, either way...I really don't like being alone all the time and I can't wait to see you again! I keep spraying your pillow with Axe to keep your smell on it. It's really relaxing.

Hey, if you don't come to me then we'll all go to you. I mean everybody. Mum, Dad, David, Ericka, Elena, me. Everyone.

Oh and Mrs. Snomel is flipping out because we only have two tenors now. We have to recruit some people, but none of the new guys are going to sound half as good as you!

I miss you!
Love you forever,
Bridgette xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

P.S. By the way, I would definitely still date you even if you were my 'brother'."

Tears ran down my cheeks as I read Bridgette's letter. Had she cried while reading my letter? Why am I crying now? Her letter isn't too sad. Actually it was rather optimistic. My letter had been so tragic and dreadful compared to hers. Perhaps that's why I love her so much.

I have always been a little dramatic with my emotions, especially my depression. She is usually in good spirits, ready to cheer people up. Although, I think our seperation has ripped both of us apart and beaten us down. I heard someone behind me. I folded up the letter quickly and shoved it under my pillow.

"Sorry. I should have knocked." Aunt Elaine laughed.

I sighed angrily, not turning to look at my aunt. Why did she have to come in my room? I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my hoodie and sniffed. I felt her hand on my back and held back a shudder.

"Are you crying?" She asked mockingly.

I nodded and she laughed some more. She clapped her hand on my back, hard enough to much me cough a little.

"Come on, Gerard. What could possibly make you cry?"

"I miss my girlfriend."

"Well, take it like a man! The offer is still open if you want to meet my friend's daughter. She's real cute and only a year younger than you."

"No Aunt Elaine." I scolded, turning around and glaring at her. "I love my girlfriend and I am not going to even look at another girl until I get back home to her."

"Back home to her? Gerard, until you're eighteen this is your home!"

"Not if I can help it!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Title cred to Sweeney Todd, my new favorite movie!

Comments please!
