For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?

A New Friend

Bridgette's POV

"Dear Bridgette,

I found someone else. No, don't freak out. It isn't a girl. It's a guy named Marcus. I met him a few days ago. My aunt was driving me nuts so I left the house and started walking. It was the first time I'd been out of the house since I got to Iowa. Everything is so weird and different. I was walking around and my aunt lives about half a mile out of town. I walked into the city and sat down outside the library. It reminded me of that night when you and I first spoke to each other. I started crying and this guy about our age comes up. He seemed really nice and he is!

He's helped me out so much, Bri. I told him about us and our little predicament. He said he lost a girlfriend too. I'm so glad I have someone to talk to now. Aunt Elaine is ecstatic that I finally have a friend, but she still wants me to get a new girlfriend. Marcus is on my side of that argument. He actually told my aunt off for that too! It was amazing.

Anyway, you saw Tyler? I swear if I see that guy again I'll kill him. If he hurts you I'll kill know what I'm getting at. I can't stand that guy. I hope your safe. Tell David if he doesn't take care of you then I will never do his math homework for him again.

Tell Mrs. Snomel that I really miss her and the whole choir and I am really sorry I can't be there to sing with you guys. I miss singing so much. My aunt is just like my dad. Every slightly feminine thing I do and every masculine thing I don't do apparently makes me gay. So stupid! I like singing and drawing and I don't like looking at girls and playing sports. That doesn't make me gay, does it?

Any who, I miss you to death, Bri. With Marcus I am one step closer to a way out of here, love. Hopefully I'll see you soon!

Love you always,
Gerard xoxoxoxxxxxxx"
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Sorry it's been so long. You can blame this

I swear it will get more interesting in 2 chapters. Just wait.

