For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?


I showed the letter to my parents and to David and they all had different ideas about who wrote it. David agreed with me that it wasn't Gerard, but my mum and dad were still a bit skeptical.

"How do you know it isn't Gerard's?" Dad wondered.

"Because for one thing it's a horrible letter. Gerard promised me he wouldn't even look at other girls. For another thing, it's typed. Gerard always hand writes his letters. He says it's more personal." I explained.

"Well, I don't think Gerard wrote it then. He's such a sweet, honest boy. The letter is obviously a fraud." Mum mused, changing her mind.

My dad chewed it over a bit. He tilted his head and read the letter over a few times. His wrinkled, green eyes swept the page. Then he began nodding.

"I believe you, Bri. It's a fraud, but then I suppose the next question is...who wrote it?" Dad interrogated.

"I have no idea." I breathed, disappointed.

"Well, who hates Gerard's guts?" David questioned.

"His aunt..." I answered.

"His aunt would never stoop that low. I know she hasn't been treating him very well, but she's still a respectable woman." Mum contradicted me.

"I guess...but she's still a top subject since she really wanted him to find a new girlfriend. What about his parents?"

"They're both in jail, Bri. I doubt they even know where Gerard is right now."

"Yeah, that makes sense. What about Tyler?"

"How would Tyler know anything?!" David shouted. "We've got a restraining order against him. There is no way he could know anything about this."

"You never know, David! We might as well just ask him."

"How are we going to ask him? We can't just go up to him and start talking to him. Then we'd violate the order."

"I don't care. This is important."

I folded up the letter and shoved it in my pocket. Then I grabbed David's wrist and dragged him out the front door. We were going to walk to Tyler's house and ask him if he wrote this letter. I didn't care what happened. I had to know one way or the other so I could mark down my suspects list. It's either Tyler or Gerard's aunt. Although to be quite honest, I really doubt it was Tyler. I think I just love the idea of getting him in even bigger trouble.

After half an hour of walking David and I reached Tyler's house. I pounded on the door and took the letter out of my pocket. Tyler's mum answered the door and I asked for Tyler. She went to get him, looking confused. When Tyler came to the doorway I shoved the letter at him.

"Did you write this?" I demanded immediately.

Tyler looked over the paper and smirked to himself.

"How did you know?" He wondered, holding back a laugh.

Mine and David's eyes bugged out. Tyler seriously did it?! How? When? Why?

"Are you serious? You wrote this? Why in h*ll would you write something like that? How did you do it?" I spluttered.

"It was easy, Bri. Come in and I'll explain everything."

Tyler grabbed my arm and pulled me into his house and shut the door. Before David could even react Tyler twisted the lock. I screamed, but Tyler clapped his free hand over my mouth. Where the heck were his parents? A loud TV in one of the bedrooms answered taht question for me. David started slamming on the door. It was no use. Tyler threw me in his room with him and stood in front of the doorway.

"What are you trying to pull, Tyler?" I wanted to know.

"What do you mean?" Tyler wondered casually, stepping towards me.

"Get away." I spat. "Why and how did you write this letter?"

"Well, first I was walking around your house just before you got off the bus. I opened your mailbox and took out the letter Gerard had written to you. I read it a few times and decided to write a reply of my own. I took that letter and replaced it with my own, this one here." Tyler paused and waved the paper in his hands. "Why did I do it? To get revenge of course. I have been thinking of many things to get revenge on you and your perfect little boyfriend; rape, murder, theft, all those things. But it's hard to commit those things silently especially with this stupid restraining order bull sh*t, which you violated by the way. That just made it easier, though. I have you feeding out of my hand right now don't I?"

Tyler crept towards me, dropping the letter on the ground. I swallowed, backing up towards the opposite wall. When my back hit the hard surface Tyler caught up with me and put his hands on either side of my head, pinning me to the wall. I cringed as Tyler moved one of his hands to his belt buckle. Suddenly the door burst open and David and Tyler's mother were standing there. I sighed with relief, but Tyler nearly exploded.

"No!" He shrieked.

I pushed past him and went straight to David. Tyler's mum looked absolutely furious! She stormed in and picked Tyler up by his ear.

"What are you doing in here, Tyler?!" She demanded, her face turning bright red.

"Where is the other letter, Tyler?" I shouted, taking advantage of his position.

Tyler pointed a shaking finger at his desk. I went over and picked up Gerard's real letter. It was hand written and ended with 'I love you, Gerard xoxoxxx'. I held back a big grin. Tyler's mum said we could go home so David and I left. We began walking home and I read out loud as we went.

"Dear Bridgette." I began. "Yes, you're definitely a girl, but you're the only girl I like to look at. And yes, I think metrosexual is a good term for it. I don't mind being artsy, but that doesn't make me gay. Guess what? Aunt Elaine now thinks Marcus and I are having a gay relationship. She asked if I was using him for sex since you aren't around to satisfy my desires. How stupid is that? Seriously, you're right. I know it's horrible to say, but it wouldn't bother me if she just died or something. I would actually prefer if she did.

I don't have any desires anyway. Well, not of that kind. I desire to see you and to give you a great big hug, but that's it. Oh, and I kinda want some ice cream right now, but other than that. Ha ha.

So how are you, love? Anything new?

I'm still counting the seconds until we see each other.

I love you!

Gerard xoxoxxx"

I smiled as I finished reading the letter. David carefully put his arm around my shoulders. I blinked back as many tears as I could. I can't believe I still get emotional when I read Gerard's letters. Oh well, hopefully I'll see him soon. Then I'll have a better excuse for being emotional.
♠ ♠ ♠
ZOMG! Arguments, fraud, attempted rape and cute love shiz. EPIC

Sorry it took so long. I had a little writer's block.

