For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?

New People

Four Months Later

"Welcome to Queens College of New York, guys!" Dad announced, pulling the car into a parking spot.

Gerard and I cheered. We both jumped out of the car and grabbed our bags out of the trunk. I held a map in my hands. Gerard and I had worked out a bunch of routes to each other's dorms. Now we just had to try them out. My dorm was room 555 in the West building. Gerard's was 224 in the South building.

"Let's go." Gerard said, taking my hand in his.

We started walking across the gorgeous campus towards the dormitories. After a few minutes we arrived at a big, eight-story, tan, beautiful building. Gerard and I walked in and took the stairs to the second floor. When we got to Gerard's dorm he pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. We stepped inside.

"Whoa!" Gerard yelped, shielding my eyes and his.

A guy, probably his roommate, and a girl were making out on top of one of the beds. They stopped and looked up. The girl pulled her shirt down and blushed.

"Hey..." The guy greeted us, embarrassed.

" guess I'm your roommate?" Gerard stammered.

"Guess so. What's your name?"

"Gerard Way."

"Cool, I'm Craig Sterling."

"Hi, that your girlfriend?"


The girl Gerard was referring to got up and left the room, passing my parents on her way out. Craig stood up, zipped his pants, and tried to no avail to tuck his shirt back in. Gerard and I walked further into the room to let my parents through with Gerard's bag.

"That your girlfriend?"

"Yeah, this is Bridgette."

"Hi, Bridgette. Do you go here too?"

"Yes." I answered timidly.

"Cool. Um...I already took that bed, so you can have this one."

Craig pointed to a double bed closer to the door than his. Gerard nodded and my dad threw his bag on top of the mattress. We all excused ourselves from Craig to to go to my dorm.

We had to walked up a small hill to get to my dorm on the fifth floor of the building about 200 yards to the left of Gerard's. When I unlocked the door there was no one inside. I was thankful for that. However, there was a suitcase at the foot of one of the beds. I put my bag
on the other bed and Gerard and I said goodbye to my parents.

When they left, Gerard and I were all alone in the hallway. I put my arms around his neck. It was a casual talking position we had adopted recently. Gerard threaded his fingers together around my waist and pressed our foreheads together lightly.

"I'm gonna go get unpacked, ok, baby? We'll meet up later for dinner." Gerard whispered to me.

"Ok, I'll see you later then."

"See you."

Gerard leaned down and kissed me for a few seconds before letting go. He gave me a small wave and walked down the hall to the elevator. I sighed, turned around and walked into my dorm. It's my new home for the year.
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Ok this story is slowly winding down. Anticipate 3 MAYBE 4 more chapters.

Comment pllleeeaaassseee!!!!
