For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?


I came to school on Monday with no hat on. David didn’t wear one and neither did Elena or Ericka. We are definitely not school spirited people. In fact, we pretty much hate our school. We only go there because our parents are dictators and won’t let us have any other options.

The other 2, 196 kids at WHS were wearing hats, well, except Gerard. When I saw him in physics first period, he looked at me and smiled. You couldn’t really tell it was a smile, but it was. He’s really good at hiding emotional stuff like that.

In English my 6’7” teacher confronted me.

“Where is your hat Bridgette?!” She shouted.

“Um…my dog ate it.” I told her with a serious look on my face.

Ms. Webber rolled her eyes and looked at Gerard.

“Where is your hat?!” She shouted again.

Gerard kept his mouth closed and shrugged stoically. I smirked to myself, knowing that I’m the only person he has really talked to.

The rest of the day went by sluggishly. When we were finally released at 2:50, I walked down the hallway alone, headed for my bus. When I walked out the door into the courtyard, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned my head to see Gerard’s pretty little face.

He grinned very noticeably at me this time. It looked like he was getting more comfortable with his surroundings.

“So are we still meeting his weekend?” He inquired.

His voice was still very soft, but that’s the first time I had really heard him speak a whole sentence before. He had a very appealing voice…if you know what I mean.

“Of course we are.” I assured him.

“Great, you know I wouldn’t want to get stood up in the library of all places.”

“I am not going to stand you up, Gerard. I can promise you that.”

“Thanks Bridgette.”

“Oh, look! Bridgette got the dummy to talk!” Tyler’s voice exclaimed from behind us.

I reluctantly spun around to face him and his gang of class jerks. Gerard stayed beside me, scowling and clenching his fists.

“Tyler, shut your face.” I ordered.

“Don’t talk to me like that.” He spat.

His gang was closing in on Gerard and I. A crowd was gathering as well. David tried to fight his way through the people.

“Come on, dummy. Say something else.” Tyler taunted, punching Gerard in the shoulder.

“Fvck off, Tyler.” Gerard growled.

“Ooh, I’m so scared.”

As if we read each other’s thoughts, Gerard and I took a swing at Tyler at the same time, hitting him in the face and in the gut. Now it was war, all the football players, who probably bench about 200lbs. against Gerard, the quiet new kid, and me, the small wimpy girl with a big mouth.

Gerard was totally kicking butt to my left while I was getting hit repetitively by about 6 different people. Suddenly there were a bunch of whistles and some screams. I found myself to be still conscious, but Gerard had been knocked out in one blow by a huge, ape-like linebacker.

Everybody was broken up and scattered by several administrators. David was kneeling a few feet away, nursing a huge bruise on his elbow. I felt blood running down my chin, and tears filling my eyes when I saw Gerard lying on the sidewalk. A couple of teachers helped us get inside the school to the clinic. The nurse was packing up, about to go home, when we walked in with Gerard.

The teachers laid Gerard down on the big blue cot thing and stood against the wall. The nurse took his pulse and ordered me to get some tissues for my mouth.

The Great Cosmo walked into the clinic.

“Bridgette, who was your assailant?” She asked urgently.

“Tyler Michaels and the whole varsity football team.” I informed her, my voice muffled by the cotton I had taken the liberty of shoving in my mouth.

The Great Cosmo nodded and walked back out and down the hallway. I looked back at Gerard. There was a big lump on his forehead and the beginnings of a black eye forming.

I gave David my cell phone and he called mum. She came to the clinic about ten minutes later. By then my mouth had stopped bleeding so I could finally talk.

“Who’s that?” She wondered, pointing to Gerard, still lying unconscious on the cot.

“Gerard. He’s one of my new friends.” I told her.

“Oh, the quiet one?”


“Aw, Bri, why’d you have to get him beaten up?”

“I didn’t get him beaten up! It was all Tyler’s fault.”

“Whatever just tell me how long he’s been out.”

“About 20 minutes.”

“He should wake up soon…hopefully.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh cliffhanger.
Danny should know why the English teacher is so tall. lol

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