For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?

New Age Flirting

By our second week on campus Gerard and I were finally getting used to our surroundings. What we weren't quite used to was sleeping without each other. I mean, there really isn't anything stopping us, but we want to be mature adults now. Plus, we might as well try to make new friends, right?

My roommate's name was Melissa. We get along fairly well so far. We're very similar. We like the same music and wear the same type of clothes. The only major difference is that she's taking art classes and I'm taking languages. She said Gerard is in her art education class and he's really hot. I told her I agreed.

In the evening I was working on a paper for my Russian class. Melissa had gone out with a friend so I was a little lonely. Thankfully my cell phone buzzed on my bed. It was Gerard texting me.

Hey, sweetie! -G

Hey :) -B

Wut r u doing? -G

Russian u? -B

Just hangin around. i miss u! -G

I miss you 2!! -B

We should go out 2morrow nite -G

Yes, we should -B

I want u in my bed -G

That sounded dirty -B

I know lol -G

Ur crazy! -B

No, ur crazy :P -G

O stop. i thought we're trying 2 b mature! -B

We r... -G

Ha ha ha G did u forget? -B

No! i just mizz uuu -G

I mizz u 2, babe, but i'll c u 2morrow k? -B

K! :D luv u! -G

Luv u 2! -B

Sleep tite babe -G

U 2 -B

Xoxo <3 -G

Xoxo we're so corny! -B

U luv it -G

I know -B
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! My internet went out again.. Not Yay! So I had time to write 2 cute chapters. Woo! I'm not sure how long this will last now. I have the final chapter in my head and I'm debating how far I want to stretch it out.

Comment please!!!
