For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?

The Best Kind of Walks

"Ooh, what are you getting all dolled up for?" Melissa teased, coming up behind me as I retraced my eyeliner in the bathroom mirror.

"I'm going out with Gerard." I informed her, smiling as I said his name.

"Oh, well you should invite him over here. I don't mind."

"Ha ha, no. I'm not bringing my boyfriend over here so you can drool over him."

"It's not my fault! You know he's gorgeous!"

"Yes, I do know, but I would still rather go to his dorm."

"Ew, but isn't he with that Craig guy? I thought he was a player."

"He is, but I don't care. I have my big strong man to protect me from the players."

"Ooh, is Gerard that strong? He doesn't look like it."

"That's because it's winter and he wears long jackets when you see him. Wait until spring. He's ripped."

"I'm so jealous! You never see art guys with muscle!"

Melissa frowned and leaned in the doorway of the bathroom. I laughed and put the cap on my eyeliner pencil. I turned out the light and walked into our room.

"Maybe you can score a guy on the water polo team?" I winked.

"Oh yeah, that's exciting. They're up to their necks in chlorine-rich water! He might have a great body, but you can't see it! I swear they need mens soccer here."

"I hear you. Well, good luck with your boyfriend plight. I'll see you later...maybe."

"What do you mean maybe?"

"I mean... I might stay with Gerard tonight."

"Ooh, you guys gonna get jiggy with it?"

"No, but we shared a bed at home because his parents abandoned him and we didn't have a guest bedroom. We're used to sleeping together."

"Aww, that's kinda sweet in an odd way."

"I know, right? Well, I'll see you sometime."

"Later. Have fun!"

"Oh, I will."

I smiled and left the dorm, slipping a key into my purse. I went down the elevator and excitedly walked to the tree Gerard said he would meet me at. Sure enough he was standing underneath the tree, the last bit of sunlight illuminated him perfectly. He grinned when he saw me and opened his arms, poised for a hug. I fell into his arms and inhaled.

"Mmm, you're using Axe again." I noted, my voice muffled by his black button-down shirt.

"Just for you, Bri." He replied, rubbing my back slowly.

I stepped back out of his firm, warm grip and we took each others hand. We started walking down the sidewalk, not really having a destination. Those are the best kinds of walks in my opinion. Every now and then we would bring something up and talk about it for a little while. For the most part we were just savoring each others company. We don't get to see each other every second of every day like we used to, but that might be good for us. It'll make the time we do have together much more special.

Gerard and I walked around for about an hour. It was pitch black outside and we were closer to Gerard's dorm than mine. I couldn't help but wonder if he did that on purpose since he said he wants me in his bed. We went up to his dorm. Craig wasn't there thankfully.

"You want to stay the night?" Gerard inquired hopefully.

"Sure." I answered, grinning at him.

Gerard pumped his fist. I giggled and followed him over to his dresser. I put my purse on top and kicked off my shoes. Gerard pulled some pajamas for the two of us out of his top drawer. Now, even though we aren't very physical, Gerard and I are perfectly fine with changing clothes in front of each other. So we put on the pajamas and Gerard threw our clothes in his laundry bag.

"Hey, Bri...Hypothetically speaking...would you have sex with me tonight?" Gerard wondered.

"Honey, you know I can't."

"Yeah, I know, but...would you?"

A coy smile graced his lips. I couldn't help but nod my head. Gerard hugged me and we sat down on his bed, laying back and rolling under the covers. We settled in next to each other, our limbs intertwined.

"I love you, Gee."

"I love you too."

Gerard kissed my forehead and sighed. We relaxed into his pillow until the door opened. Craig walked in by himself and froze in front of the bed.

"Whoa, sorry, man!" He exclaimed.

"No, you're fine." Gerard replied, waving him off and closing his eyes.

"Hm, in that case I'm going to go find that chick at the college store again."

Craig left the dorm. I smiled at Gerard's peaceful face. I was starting to drift off as well. Just like old times.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww. I am working on the last chapter right now. Unfortunately it's going to be kinda short, but very epic! I'll probably post it tomorrow. I am going to miss this story and all its awesome readers!! Love you guys!

Please comment! =]
