Help Me up When I Fall

The Sorting Ceremony

The twins and I walked into the compartment and I saw another boy sitting in there, putting his luggage away.

"Oh, good. You two are back. Did you help that girl that we saw out the window?" The boy said, not looking at us.

"Yep, we did." Fred replied.

"Oh, good. Did she thank you two? Or is she gonna end up in Slytherin 'cause she has an attitude?" He asked.

"Yes, I thanked them. And I hope I don't end up in Slytherin. I'd die if I did." I said. The boy jumped and turned around to look at me. Then he looked accusingly at the twins.

"You didn't bother to tell me that she was here?" the boy asked.

"We were gonna tell you. We didn't expect her to go and scare you. Although it was hilarious." George said, shrugging. The shook his head and sat down next to the door.

"So, who are you?" The boy asked me.

"That's not very polite. And I'm Jessica." I informed him.

"I'm Lee Jordan." Lee told me.

"And he's not a very polite person." Fred said sitting down opposite of Lee.

"Actually, I don't think I've ever seen Lee be polite." George pointed out, sitting next to the window on Lee's side.

"Hey! I was gonna sit there." I complained as I headed for the seat opposite of George.

"Quick, Fred!" George yelled. Fred slid down to where I was headed. I turned around and headed towards where Fred just was.

"Lee!" Fred called. Lee got up and sat in Fred's old seat. I turned and was about to sit in Lee's seat when George sild across. I turned to see where I could sit and every time I headed somewhere Lee and Fred would head there. Eventually I headed for one seat and quick turned and headed somewhere else, causing Lee and Fred to fall onto the ground. I headed to the seat on the right side of the compartment, next to the window. George stood up and grabbed my arms as I was about to sit and pulled me back up. I struggled against George as Lee and Fred stood up and laid across each of the seats. I was still struggling as the train moved forward and I fell down, pulling George with me. I closed my eyes as we fell.

I opened my eyes after hitting the ground. George was on top of me, hands on either side of my head and his knees on both sides of my hips. I looked away, embarrassed, and saw Fred and Lee laughing so hard they looked like they might stop breathing. I cleared my throat and George got off of me and pulled me to my feet.

"Sorry." He apologized.

"It's alright." I told him. Lee had calmed down and sat up but Fred was still laughing quietly and laying down. George sat down near Lee and I went to go sit next to Fred but he wouldn't sit up. "Fred, will you please stop laughing and sit up." I asked politely. When he didn't respond, I shrugged and sat on him.

"Ow, Jessica! That hurts you know!" Fred complained while the rest of us laughed.

"Will you sit up if I get off?" I asked sweetly.

"Yes." he groaned. I got off him and he immediately sat up before I sat down again.

"So, I have a question. How do you get sorted?" I asked the boys. They all looked at each other as if they were worried. "What?" I asked.

"She's really small, I don't know if she'll be able to do it." Lee said to Fred.

"I know, well, she should be ok. Unless she ends up in the hospital wing like that small girl last year." Fred said.

"Yeah, well she still got put in a house. Granted it was Hufflepuff, but it was better then nothing. And maybe she'll get lucky." George said.

"What are you all talking about?!" I asked/shouted.

"You getting sorted." Lee told me simply.

"How do I get sorted?" I asked again.

"You have to wrestle a troll. It's just a baby troll, but baby trolls are about six feet tall, so you might have a problem." Fred said and I felt my face go white.

"A troll..." I whispered.

"Fred, don't scare her. She might get lucky and have to fly on a broom through the obstacle course instead." George said.

"But I can't fly." I told him.

"Oh...then you're doomed." He said. I turned and looked out the window for a while then joined the boys in their conversation about quidditch. Later the boys left to change into their robes. When they came back I left for the girls changing room. I had just finished and was fixing my hair when a blond girl a little taller then me walked in, already dressed in her robes.

"Move." she said, pushing me out of her way so she could get to the mirror. I went back into the wall then glared at her.

"Who do you think you are?" I asked her, angerly. She looked at me as if I was dirt on the floor.

"Katherine McCord. Not that it's any of your buisness. I'm a first year this year, and I'm assuming you are too. Not that I care." She said before completly ignoring me and going back to her hair. I glared at her and walked back to the compartment.

"Stupid blond idiot." I muttered sitting down.

"Who's a stupid blond idiot? And is she hot?" Lee asked.

"Katherine McCord. She's a first year and she's acting like she owns the place. And ew." I replied.

The train pulled to a stop and we got off.

"First years over here. First years this way please." A tall man shouted.

"See you later, Jessica." George said.

"Hope you get into Gryffindor." Fred said as the three boys headed a different direction.

I followed the man and the other first years down a path to a bunch of boats. I ended up in the same boat as Katherine and her two blond haired friends Heather Lakewood and Bonnie Fairveiw. Eventually we got off the boats and I got as far away as I could from Katherine and her friends. All of us walked up to the Entrance Hall and were eventually let into the Great Hall for Sorting. Professor McGonagall explained the Sorting process and started calling names. Big surprise that Katherine and her friends ended up in Slytherin. After a Ravenclaw girl and two Hufflepuff boys were sorted it was my turn. I walked up to the stool and sat down. McGonagall put the hat on my head and it started talking to me.

"Hmm, difficult. Sneaky, Loyal, Clever, Intelligent, Honest. Hmm...where to place you? I've got it. You will be in...GRYFFINDOR!" the hat shouted the last part and the Gryffindor table cheered. After McGonagall took the hat off, I stood up and went to sit at the Gryffindor table in between Fred and George.

"Congratulations on getting into Gryffindor." Lee said.

"Thanks," I replied, "By the way, you all are so dead."

"Why? What did we do?" George asked faking innocence.

"Told me I'd have to fight a troll or fly through an obstacle course." I reminded them.

"Oh yeah," Fred remembered, "You should've seen your face, it was so pale." I glared at him and watched the rest of the Sorting Ceremony. Eventually everyone was sorted and we began to eat. After the feast, the Gryffindor prefect took me and the rest of my fellow Gryffindor first years to the common room. I headed up to bed, got changed, and quickly fell asleep. Glad to be gone from the Malfoys at last.