Help Me up When I Fall

First Day

The Twins, Lee, and I were halfway done with breakfast when Profesor McGonagall walked over and handed all of us our schedules. I looked mine over and it didn't look that bad.

Jessica MarieMalfoy (I hate the last part)

History of Magic
Double Potions
Defense Against the Dark Arts

Double Defense Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic

Double History of Magic
Defense Against the Dark Arts

History of Magic
Defense Against the Dark Arts

Defense Against the Dark Arts
Double Herbology
Double Transfiguration
Free class

"Your first day doesn't look too bad." Fred said, looking over at my schedule with George.

"I almost forgot first years get out early on Fridays. That's the only thing I miss about our first year." George sighed.

"Right, that free class was our planning time." Lee said with a grin.

"Ah, the good old days." Fred said before returning to his food. I laughed at them and got up from the table.

"Where are you going?" Fred and George asked.

"Back to my dorm. I forgot some things." I told them.

"Oh I see. You want to make sure your lipstick didn't smear from that make-out session with Fred and George." Lee stated. Lee and I laughed and the Twins joined in.

"Yeah, something like that." I told him. I left the Great Hall and went back to my dorm and grabbed all the books I would need for my classes before lunch. The other girls started to come in as I headed out towards my first class.

"Good luck." Lee called. I waved and headed towards Charms.


"Oh. My. God. That was horrible." I stated, sitting next to Fred at lunch.

"What was?" George asked.

"History of Magic. All the profesor is talk on and on and on. Does he even know he's dead?" I asked.

"No one's sure." Fred said.

"And I sure don't want to be the one to tell him if he doesn't know." Lee added. I nodded in agreement and started eating.


"I hate the first day." Lee said, falling into an armchair in the common room after dinner.

"I agree." Fred and George said, sitting on the couch next to Lee.

"I disagree." I said, sitting in the armchair across from Lee and next to the Twins. "It's the easiest day of them all, besides the last that is. All you get are instructions. No homework at all."

"True, but it's also the worst because you have to get used to school again." Fred pointed out.

"That's a good point." I agreed. "Well I got to go." I got up out of the seat.

"Where are you going?" Lee asked as I picked up my bag.

"My room, because I have homework and after that talk there's no way you guys are going to give me the quiet I need to work."

"Ha! So you do have homework!" George said triumphantly while pointing his finger at me.

"Duh, I had double potions today." I reminded them.

"Ouch, sorry." Fred apologized.

"No problem. Good night guys." I said. They said good night as I walked up the stairs to do the homework Profesor Snape assigned on the fricken' first day!
♠ ♠ ♠
For the record, Fred, George, and Lee don't know she's a Malfoy. And the teachers don't call her Miss Malfoy in class, they call her Miss Marie. Same with McGonagall during the sorting ceremony. Just letting everyone know.