Help Me up When I Fall


Before long, it was Halloween. The Great Hall was decorated in orange and black, paper airplanes that had been transfigured into bats flew all around the room, and Fred, George, and Lee all had giant pumpkin hats on their heads. Don't ask why because I honestly don't know. They've been wearing them all day and everytime I asked them they just kept saying "Don't insult the hats."

The ditching inccident from weeks ago is fine. The way I see it is as long as Draco isn't at Hogwarts I'm fine. So I have a year of peace before Draco most likely spills my secret.

"Hey, Earth to Jess!" Lee called.

"What?!" I yelled, startled. The twins were laughing and Lee just shook his head.

"I was saying, are you ready to see what the hats do?" Lee repeated and I nodded my head.

"Yes, I've been waiting all day."

"Well wait a few more seconds because Marcus Flint is coming this way." Fred said.

"What does he have to do with anything?" Was my question.

"Just wait." Was George's response.

I looked up and saw that Marcus was almost at our table. Sighing, I continued to eat and wait for him to come up.

"So, some guys over at the Slytherin table were wondering, did you lose a bet?" Flint asked, standing across from the boys and I.

"Why, Flint, whatever do you mean?" Fred asked innocently.

"Why, Weasley, I mean your dumb hats. Do you enjoy wearing stupid hats or did you lose a bet?"

"Now, Flint, there's no reason to make fun of our hats." George said.

"Uh, yeah there is. Those are the ugliest hats ever."

"I highly recomend you don't insult the hats. They're very sensitive and youi won't be happy if you provoke them." Lee said.

"They're hats! They can't do shit!" Flint yelled. By this point everyone at the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw tables were watching what was going on.

"Our hats are special." Fred said, smirking.

"They're special alright. They're the most stupid, ugly, retarded pieces of shit I've ever seen!"

Then a loud belch echoed throughout the Great Hall. Every conversation stopped and every head turned to face our table. Every eye went to the twin's and Lee's hats then to Marcus Flint, and that's when I learned what the hats did.

Flint was covered from head to foot in orange and black goo. At first the Hall smelled like oranges, but then it smelled as if three skunks had sprayed Marcus at the same time. I have to admit, Flint's face looked funny.

Flint looked at himself then at everyone who was laughing at him. Then he turned his glare on the twins and Lee.

"You'll pay for this!" He yelled.

"Hey, we tolf you not to insult the hats." Lee reminded him as Fred and George nodded in agreement.

"Snape will give you guys a year's worth of detentions for this." Flint sneered.

"Actually, Profesor Snape will not." Dumbledore said, walking down from the teacher's table. "I gave Mr.Weasley, Mr. Weasley, and Mr. Jordan permission to do this at the end of their first year. As I understand, they were working hard all summer. And they did a wonderful job."

"So you gave them permission to cover me in goo?!"

"No, I told them to come up with an idea that would amuse the student body. And, as you can see, they did their job well." Dumbledore said, pointing out the tons of students that were laughing.

"Why did they have to cover me?" Flint whined.

"Mr. Flint, I never said anything had to happen to a certian student, and as I don't have the Inner Eye, I clearly had no way of knowing that they were going to cover you in goo...what is this, boys?" Dumbledore said.

"Edible goo. It's orange and black licorice flavors." George told him. Dumbledore laughed and said that the students were dismissed. Everyone started filing out except for Marcus, who still stood in the same spot.

"That was great, guys." I said as we headed up towards the Gryffindor tower.

"Personally, I think this was the best Halloween yet." Fred said.

"Personally, I think I love Halloween now." I said.

"Fantastic." George and Lee said at the same time as we entered the common room.

"Well, goodnight boys." I said as I headed up to my dorm.

"Goodnight." They all replied.

Best Halloween ever.