Hello, I Dislike You Intensely. Have a Nice Day.

Entry #4.


Ever heard of 'guerilla art'? Evidently, it is supposed to broaden our horizons and bring us to consider our environment from a new and unique standpoint via anonymous messages or installations.

Huh. Funny how people use big words to mask utter bollocks, like my cousins in the UK would say.

The woman is insane. We've got to put our entry up in a public place, like some flyer. Then, we tell whoever reads it to post a reply in the same spot. And then, we communicate.

Just loverly.

And I'm not getting all bent out of shape over this just cos my secret will be out for the world to see. I can find other reasons. I so can.

I mean, we had to put our ages down. Isn't that just inviting pedophilery or whatever? And even so, who in hell would care about some kid's favorite school subject and hobbies? It's like we draw a huge crowd of adoring people - "Oh, my favorite school subject was Basket Weaving too! Oh, I Iove skateboarding and making brownies too! I felt so alone in the world, wondering if anyone shared my views, but now I'm so happy I could skip!"

All right, don't get over-excited, Dani. You're at the park. It's a nice day. The kid apologized for beaning you in the head with a Nerf ball. Chill. Eat a Tootsie Pop.

My wrapper's got a star on it. Ahaha.

Alright. I'll do the stupid assignment. But I'll put my papers in a place no one will ever find them. The End. Rising action, climax, falling action. So I'm stealing the idea from To Kill a Mockingbird. So yeah, even if someone does find my stuff, at least they are sophisticated people who have read the book.

Wait, that made no sense. Shut up, brain.