Will She Find Her Name In the California Cement?

"I just don't belong here..."

Have you ever felt lost? Alone? Rejected, even? Have you ever gotten to a point in your life where you just couldn't take it anymore?

Welcome to the world of 16 year old Aidan. She can't seem to find her niche in her perfect family of four. Being the black sheep is all she's ever known.

One day, with the help of her best friend Sherry, Aidan formulates a plan to leave this life behind, leaving her family, friends and the small town she's lived in all her life with it, only a memory in its place. California is the place to go, but when you live in Michigan, getting there could be just a little complicated.

Will she make it in this life alone? What challenges will this bring?

Will she find her name in the California cement?
  1. Intro.
    Just a short introduction to fill you in on the big scheme of things.
  2. Some Kind Of An Omen.
    Boxed up all of her favorite things
  3. Content In The Same Old Shtick Again...
    Sold the rest at a rainy yard sale