I'll Watch You From Afar

'I love him but I know it's illegal. At least to our courts it is.' Frank thought.

Frank Ireo loves Gerard from a distance. He knows he can never have him and he also has to be careful to shield his thought. If anyone of his bloodline ever finds out he is in love with any creature beside his line he will be brutally murder for treason.

Gerard Way is in fact a vampire one of his lines worst enemy they have hated each other for years. They are known to kill each other for a sport. This endless slaughter has been going on for years. Frank never wanted to participate in any of it he was a loner to the rest of his bloodline. He never went to the courts, never associated with others. Gerard was just as alone he took care of himself and his little brother. That’s all Gerard has in his life and it’s all he really wanted besides a lover.

Frank Ireo descended of the Vidic line

Gerard Way descendent of the Sha Acur line