Status: Hiatus until inspiration returns

Rise Above This

All the Same

“Hello?” I asked answering my phone as we walked, Tom looking at me as I spoke.

“Bill,” Gustav started, “I’ve got some bad news.”

No. Please no. She better not have been or so help me God I shall…do…something…bad. “What is it Gusti? And just spit it out,” I said.

He took a deep breath before saying, “His wench wife is sleeping around.”

I stopped dead in my tracks. How dare she. That…that…ugh! “Are you serious?”

“Yeah Bill. Sorry. This is really going to put a damper on Tom. Especially since it’s yours and his birthday. I’m really sorry man.”

I took a deep breath and said, “Not your fault Gusti. I’ll tell Tomi.”

“You should. Well, I’ll let you go. Call if you need me, okay? And don’t let Tom kill her. We don’t need our guitarist in prison.”

I nodded, even though I knew Gustav couldn’t see it. “Got it Gustav. Bye.”

“Bye,” he said before hanging up.

“So? What did he say?” Tom asked.

I closed my phone and said, “I think I should tell you in the Escalade. I’m done here.”

He nodded and the two of us walked towards the exit. We walked out and towards the Escalade in an uneasy silence. This sucks. Why? Well, it does remove her from the picture and lets me have Tom all to myself, but it also makes Tom miserable. He might even go back to…you know what I mean.

We got in the Escalade and Tom looked at me and asked, “So?”

I sighed. “Gustav confirmed your suspicions,” I replied.

He went speechless. He fell back into his seat before hitting his steering wheel. He laid his head on the steering wheel and started muttering to himself. Feeling completely useless, I did the only thing I thought I could do. I hugged Tom and refused to let go.

“I’m so sorry Tomi. I’m so sorry,” I said hugging him to me.

“I…what’s wrong with me Billa?” he asked.

What’s wrong with him? “Tom, there is nothing wrong with you. You did nothing to deserve this happening to you,” I replied.

“But, I loved her. I thought I did anyway. I’m not so sure anymore Billa. I don’t know what to do.”

I shrugged. “I don’t know either Tom. I wish I could tell you, but I don’t have the answers for you.”

Tom shrugged. “It’s okay Billa. It’s not your fault.”

“And besides, you guys can get a divorce and you Tom will be single again. Just think of all the American girls.” No. Bad Bill. Don’t encourage him.

Tom chuckled. “Yeah.” He looked at his wedding band before taking it off and chucking it behind him. He looked at me and said, “Thanks Bill. You’re the best.”

I shrugged. “I know. You don’t have to tell me, “ I said joking around.

He smiled and rolled his eyes when I noticed that our faces were really close together. Like dangerously close. I smiled before giving him one last tight hug before leaning back into my seat. “Come on. Let’s head back home. I have your gift in my room. I’ll grab it and we can go to the park or something,” I suggested.

He nodded before starting up the Escalade. “Let’s go.”


Wow. The wench’s car isn’t here. I looked at Tom and said, “I’ll be back. I’m just going to grab your present and I’ll be right out,”

He nodded and I got out and ran over to the house. I opened the door and walked in before rushing up to my room and grabbing the gift. I left my room and ran back downstairs before leaving the house. I got back into Tom’s Escalade and asked, “Park?”

He nodded and said, “Let’s go.”

I nodded and he pulled out of the driveway and onto the road. He looked a little distracted. Of course, you would be too if you found out that your wife was cheating on you.

We reached the park and just sat in the Escalade when I handed Tom his gift and said, “Happy birthday Tomi.”

He weakly smiled at me before unwrapping it. He looked at the hat for a second when he took off the hat he was wearing and put on the hat I got him. “Thanks Bill. I don’t have this one,” he said.

“No problem,” I said when he reached behind him and handed me the Hot Topic bag.

“Happy birthday Billa.”

I opened the bag and saw that he had bought one of the tongue barbells that I was looking at along with two of the eyebrow rings. “Thanks Tom,” I said before opening the eyebrow ring package to the eyebrow ring that was a chrome color. I took out the eyebrow ring I had in and slipped in the new one. I decided that I would replace my tongue piercing later.

“I see you like it,” he said as I kept raising and lowering my eyebrow, watching the ring rise and fall.

“Yes I do. It’s different. I like different,” I told him when I stopped raising and lowering my eyebrow. I looked at him and said, “Come on. Let’s go somewhere. Maybe we can give Georg and Gustav each a quick visit.”

Tom nodded. “Sounds good.”

I looked at him before hugging him again. “Come on Tom-Tom. Let’s have some fun and forget about the wench. She didn’t love you if she was doing that shit.”

He nodded. “Yeah. You’re right. Come on, let’s go see Georg and Gustav.”

I nodded. “Yeah.”

He smiled a weak smiled before we left the park and headed to Georg’s house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title owned by Sick Puppies.

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OH!!! THTV is on! I shall type more when I'm done watching it!!