Status: Hiatus until inspiration returns

Rise Above This

Gotta Be Somebody

(Before show)

I was sitting alone. I’m not as nervous as I was the first show. Sound check went semi-well. Now I just have to focus on the show we’re about to perform. Luckily it’s the same set list as last show, so I didn’t have to try to remember a new set list.

“Hey Bill,” I heard Gerard say suddenly.

I looked over and saw his sitting next to me. “Hey Gee. What’s up?” I asked.

He shrugged. “Nothing. Nervous?”

I shook my head. “Not as much as I was last show. You?”

He shrugged when Bob, for the first time in a few days, spoke.

“Frank Iero quit fucking poking me or I’m going to shove a pair of my drumsticks up your ass!” he said annoyed.

“No you won’t,” Frank said egging him on.

Gerard sighed before walking over to the two of them and dragging Frank over to where I was sitting. He sat Frank next to me before sitting next to him. “Frank, calm the hell down. You know damn good and well that Bob’s serious,” Gerard said.

Frank rolled his eyes. “I know Gerard,” Frank said. He looked over at me and said, “Hi Bill.”

“Hey Frank,” I said.

We sat and talked for a moment when the tech guy came in and let us know that we (Tokio Hotel) were on soon. Both bands got up and we all walked out towards the stage. I lagged behind, wanting to get my head cleared before I went out onto the stage. That’s when I noticed something. Gerard and Mikey always walk slow as well. Gerard grabbed Mikey’s hand and gave it a quick squeeze, getting a smile out of Mikey.

(TH set)

“Ready, set, go it’s time to run
The sky is changing. We are one.
Together we can make it while the world is crashing down.
Don’t you turn around,” I sang as the crowd when insane. I love this. I really do. The energy is so intense.

I sang and walked around the stage as I saw the crowd jump and sing along to the song. Looking over at the side of the stage, I saw Frank jumping along to the song. I swear that guy has way too much sugar. Oh well. So do I.

"I promise you right now
I’ll never let you down.

Ready, set, go it’s time to run.
The sky is changing we are one
Together we can make it while the world is crashing down.
Don’t turn around.

Ready, set, go it’s time to run.
The sky is changing we are one
Together we can make it while the world is crashing down.
Don’t you turn around,” I finished singing as the guys continued playing. I snuck a glance at Tom as he played before looking at the side of the stage. The guys of MCR were enjoying themselves when I noticed Mikey standing somewhat in front of Gerard, Gerard’s hands on Mikey’s hips. I smiled as the song ended and the crowd cheered.

“Danke for being amazing tonight. We’d love to stay, but sadly, that’s it. I do know that there is another band who wants to play for you. Here’s My Chemical Romance. We are Tokio Hotel. Good night!” I said before leaving the stage and handing the microphone off to Gerard. He and the rest of MCR went onto the stage.

“How the fuck are you doing?!” he asked. The crowd cheered. “Wow. For once, I didn’t fuck the stage up. Bill did. It is so wet. And somebody is going to break their ass on it!”
The crowd cheered loudly as they started “Headfirst for Halos.”

(After MCR set)

“Come on guys! I see fans. Fans who want to see the sexy me but know they can’t have me because I have my beautiful Jamia at home!” Frank said, hyped up on something, as he, Ray, Bob, Georg, Gustav, Tom, and I walked towards the fans. I don’t know where Gerard and Mikey are.

I laughed and said, “I need to shower. I smell awful.”

They nodded before I went off to the showers.

(Tom’s POV)

“Hey guys, I think I’m going to take a shower as well. I don’t want the ladies to think I stink,” I said before walking off.

On my way to the showers, I heard what sounded like arguing.

“Why did you tell him?! Why?!” I heard someone ask. It sounded like Mikey.

“Mikes, he’s in the same boat. He understands. He’s just not as lucky as us. He don’t have him like I have you,” I heard Gerard replied. Wait a minute. What?

I followed the voices to an abandoned area.

“Gee, what in the hell possessed you to tell him about us?” I heard Mikey ask.

“I saw him drawing him. It reminded me of myself before you knew. I just knew right off hand that he felt for him as I feel for you,” Gerard replied.

“But what if he tells somebody?! Then it could get to the media! Or worse! Mom and dad!” Mikey said. He sounded really terrified.

I heard some shuffling and Gerard said, “Bill wouldn’t tell anyone. If he did, he might as well add on the fact that he’s in love with Tom. And don’t worry about mom and dad. They won’t know about us. I trust Bill not to tell anyone. I just feel sorry for him since he doesn’t have Tom. He’s afraid that Tom doesn’t love him. But you want to know something?”

I heard a sniffle. “What?”

I leaned in closer to hear more.

“I think Tom likes Bill back. Even loves him. I’ve seen the way he looks at Bill. It’s the same way I look at you baby. I know what I’m talking about. Now, relax. If you want, we can go to the bus instead of talk with fans. Okay?”

“Okay Gee. I love you.”

“ I love you, too Mikes.”

I walked away quickly and headed out to the showers before I started to think. Gerard and Mikey? Bill? Whoa. This is all crazy.

Okay, let me get this straight. Gerard and Mikey are together. Bill, he loves me? I thought he got over those feelings. Of course, I never finished reading his journal. For all I know, it’s still on my side of the room at our mom and Gordon’s house.

Unless…unless that’s what Bill was looking the night Georg and Gustav took us over there. He probably found it, too. I wonder if he brought it with?

Straying away from where I was going, I headed towards the back exit and left the venue to go back to the bus and to Bill’s bunk.

But the question on my mind is: Do I love him back?
♠ ♠ ♠
Bet you're going to kill me for leaving you hanging.

Title belongs to Nickelback. (Again)

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