Status: Hiatus until inspiration returns

Rise Above This

What About Now?

(Bill’s POV)

I didn’t get a wink of sleep. I just couldn’t. What if Tom had my notebook? Then he’d see everything and then he’ll hate me. Even think I’m a freak! I hope he doesn’t have my notebook. Maybe it’s just Georg or Gustav being mean to me. Yeah. That’s it. It’s just them two.

I got out of my bunk and walked into the main room before sitting on the couch. I placed my head in my hands and closed my eyes before falling into a deep sleep.

(Tom’s POV)

I woke up to someone walking out of the bunk area. I peeked my head out enough to see that Bill wasn’t in his bunk, seeing as the curtain was open. I waited until it was quiet before I snuck out of my bunk. I grabbed Bill’s notebook and slid it back under his pillow before exiting the bunk area. I entered the main room and couldn’t repress the smile that played across my lips. Laying on the couch, asleep, was Bill. He was laying on his side with his legs over the edge of the couch, making look like he was sitting before he fell asleep.

I went back to the bunks and grabbed the blanket off of Bill’s bunk and walked back into the main room. I placed the blanket over his sleeping form before kissing his temple. “Sleep well Bill. I love you,” I said quietly before walking back to my bunk. I laid down in my bunk and closed the curtain before falling back to sleep.

(Bill’s POV)

“Bill, wake up. We have sound check in a bit,” I heard Georg say, shaking me lightly.

I stirred awake and saw my blanket on me. “What time is it?” I asked sitting up, rubbing my eyes.

“Twelve thirty,” he replied. “We have sound check at one, so get dressed and you can do your hair and make-up after sound check.”

I got up and grabbed my blanket before going back to my bunk. I placed my blanket back in my bunk before grabbing my suitcase. I pulled out a pair of loose jeans and a simple black shirt to change into when Gustav said, “Bill, wake Tom up. He needs to get up.”

I sighed. “Okay Gustafa,” I said. I set my clothes on my bunk before going over to Tom’s bunk. The curtain to his was closed, so I opened it and couldn’t help but smile at my sleeping brother. He looked so peaceful when he slept. But although I don’t want to wake him up, I kind of have to.

I lightly shook his arm and said, “Tom-Tom, wake up. It’s twelve thirty and sound check is at one. You need to get up.”

“Five more minutes mom. I’m having a good dream,” he said groggily.

I rolled my eyes and asked, “About what young man?”

“I’m with the most amazing person in the entire world,” he replied in his sleep.

A frown played across my face. “That’s great. But seriously, you need to get up. We’re not going to be late for sound check Tom.”

I saw him turn over in his sleep to face me when his amazing brown eyes opened. He smiled and said, “Fine Bill. Just let me get dressed.”

I nodded and grabbed my clothes before going into the bathroom. I changed out of my pajamas and into my clothes for the day when I left the bathroom. I combed my fingers through my hair and decided to just tie it back until later. I snatched one of Georg’s hair ties and did just that before throwing my pajamas on my bunk. I laid down for a second and reached under to make sure my journal was still there when I felt the metal spiral of my notebook. I quickly peeked under my pillow and saw both my journal and notebook. Oh Danke Gott.

I placed my pillow back down before grabbing my shoes and a hooded jacket and slipping them on.

“Come on Bill! Tom’s even ready before you!” Georg said laughing.

I laughed and walked out to the main area and said, “I’m ready. Let’s go.”

We left when Georg asked, “Did you snatch one of my hair ties?”

I looked at him before hiding behind Tom. He smelt amazing. “Don’t kill me Georgie! Bitte!”

Georg rolled his eyes. “Just remember to give it back when you’re done with it,” he said.

I left the safe haven of behind Tom and said, “Will do. Now let’s go and get this sound check done and over with. I think we have a few interviews to do today before we perform.”
The guys nodded and we headed towards the venue.


“Hey! This is Chelsea here from Spin Magazine and I’m here talking with Tokio Hotel!” the interviewer said. She had brown hair, what looked like blue eyes, and was shorter than me. But a lot of people are shorter than me. “So guys, how are you liking the US?”

“It’s amazing. We were here for our SCREAM album and to be back is just amazing,” I replied.

“Yeah. Everyone is so cool and nice,” Tom said.

“That’s great. So, I hear you guys are touring with My Chemical Romance! How’s that going?” she asked smiling.

“They’re very nice. Frank tackled me after we got here. We were barely here for five minute! I thought he was a fan girl for a moment,” I replied.

“They’re fun to be around,” Georg said.

Gustav nodded and Tom said, “I like them. They’re cool.”

“Awesome. I’m actually going to the show tonight with a couple friends. Front row floor seats,” she replied.

“Well, we’ll see you there.” I said.

She nodded when she said, “So, I was trying to think of things to talk about for today when I remembered that there’s a certain someone who’s being a quiet someone.”

We looked at Gustav and he said, “Was?”

“I just wanted to ask each of you who you’re influences are. And that includes you too Gustav,” she said smiling.

He sighed dramatically and said, “If I must.”

She smiled real big and continued on with the interview. I noticed she kept sneaking glances over at Gustav, getting him to talk more than any other interviewer we’ve had. Which, I think, is an accomplishment.

“Well guys, I hate to say this, but that’s all the time we have. Thank you so much,” she said.

“You’re welcome,” we said.

She turned off her recorder and said, “Thank you guys so much. You have no idea how much this made my day. Well, I need to get ready for the show tonight. Hopefully I’ll see you there?”

We nodded and she smiled. “Alright. Bye guys. And thank you again.”

She started to walk off when Gustav sighed and said, “Wait!”

She stopped and turned around as Gustav jogged towards her. Wow. This is different. Let’s watch.

“What do you think they’re talking about?” Georg asked.

I shrugged. “No clue,” I replied.

“She’s cute. But not my type,” Tom said as we watched Chelsea smile at something.

“Oh really Tom? What’s your type?” Georg asked.

He looked at Georg and replied, “I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.”

I looked from Tom to Georg and back to Tom when Georg shrugged. “We all know your type Tom. Blonde, dumb, and drunk.”

“No. That was before I married the wench. My type has changed. Don’t expect me to tell you though.”

I was about to ask when he meant when Gustav jogged back smiling. “What? Did Gustav score himself some action tonight?” Georg asked.

He shook his head. “I got a number. Her number. We’re staying until tomorrow night, right?” he asked.

I nodded. He smiled. “Good. I need to call her and let her know. I was going to hang out with her tomorrow,” he said.

He pulled out his phone and dialed a number when I said, “Come on, let’s head back to the bus. I still need to fix my hair up for tonight.”

They nodded and the four of us left and started back to the bus.

Hey, Gustav might have found someone. Is that a sign for me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Title owned by Daughtry.

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