Status: Hiatus until inspiration returns

Rise Above This

Truly, Madly, Deeply

I felt someone shaking my shoulder lightly. I was close to falling back to sleep when a voice whispered my name.

“Billa? Baby, get up,” I heard Tom whisper.

I snuggled under the blankets. “You’ll have to persuade me to come out of the blankets,” I said.

“Hmm, in that case,” Tom said before I felt his cold body lay next to my warm one, “am I persuading you enough?”

I shook my head. “You just make me want to warm you up. You’re cold,” I replied before wrapping the blankets around him and laying my head on his chest and wrapping my arm around his bare stomach.

He let out a chuckle. “Come on. Georg and Gustav will be wondering what we’re doing. You don’t want them walking in thinking the worst now, do you?” Tom asked.

I looked to see that Georg and/or Gustav would think something when on if they walked in, seeing as I’m not wearing a shirt as well and you can’t tell if I’m wearing pants or not. (Just for the record: I am wearing pants.)

“You know what? I don’t care. I’m warm, comfy, and tired,” I replied.

“How about this babe: we can sleep on the bus in your bunk. Deal?”

I thought for a second before nodding. I got out of bed quickly when the cold air hit me. Son of a bitch! It’s cold!

I wrapped my arms around myself before walking over to my suitcase. I opened it and started looking through it when I felt Tom put his jacket on my shoulders. Damn! It’s warm!

I looked at him and smiled. “Thanks Tomi,” I said before going back to my suitcase, putting out a random shirt and jeans.

“No problem baby. Don’t want you freezing to death,” Tom said before kissing my cheek and walking over to his suitcase.

I smiled as I slipped off my pajama pants and slid on my jeans. I zipped up Tom’s jacket and threw my shirt on under the jacket before sticking my arms in the sleeves.

“Look Tom! I got dressed without taking the warmth off!” I said way too enthusiastically.

He smiled and shook his head as he slipped out of the track pants he slept in and slipped into a pair of his baggy jeans and one of his many huge shirts. “Congratulations Billa. You have successfully out-dorked yourself,” Tom said.

I smiled. “Do you want your warmth back?”

He shook his head. “You can have the warmth until we get to the bus.”

“Thank you. I like the warmth.”

He sat down on the bed as he grabbed his shoes and patted a spot for me to sit. I sat down next to him and snatched my shoes from the foot of the bed and slipped them on as Tom slipped his shoes on. I fell back on the bed after I was done and grabbed Tom’s hand. I pulled his hand and had him fall back on his back when I laid on my side facing him. He rolled onto his side so he was facing me as well when I decided to be a dork and kissed his nose.

Tom smiled when he took my hand in his and kissed me. He released my hand and tangled his fingers in my hair as I tangled my hands in his dreads.

“Guys! Come on! Jost is waiting for us!” Gustav shouted through the door.

I broke the kiss and Tom said, “We’re continuing this in your bunk.”

I nodded in agreement before sitting up, running my fingers through my hair so it didn’t look tangled, and left the room, Tom close behind.


“Georg, is there ice-cream in the freezer?” I asked randomly.

He shook his head. “Sorry,” he said.

I shrugged when I said, “I’m napping.”

Georg and Gustav nodded before I went back to the bunks. Tom was already back there when we got on the bus and wanted me to wait a while before walking back here.

When I reached my bunk, I opened the curtain to see Tom sleeping. I smiled before reaching under my pillow and grabbing my journal and notebook. I hid them under all of my clothes in one of my suitcases before laying in my bunk and closing the curtain.

I laid my head on the pillow when I felt Tom wrap an arm around my waist. He opened his eyes and whispered, “Hey Bill.”

“Hey Tomi,” I said wrapping my arm around his waist.

“So, where were we earlier?” Tom asked placing a hand on my face.

“About here,” I replied before kissing him.

He kissed me back as he tangled his fingers in my hair. I pulled his body closer to mine and placed my hand on his chest under his shirt, running my fingers down his sculpted body.

Okay, that sounded kind of cheesy. But you know what? I’m making out with the love of my life right now and don‘t care if it was cheesy or not. So shut up and let me kiss him.

I placed my hand on Tom’s stomach before pushing him onto his back and climbing on top of him, not breaking the kiss once. Yeah. That takes skill.

I stopped kissing his lips and started kissing down his jaw line all the way down to his neck. I kissed his neck for a minute when I bit it. Not too hard, though. I don’t want him bleeding.

He hissed and I thought I hurt him. I was about to move away from his neck when he said, “Do that again.”

Okay, so he likes getting bitten. Good enough for me. I went a little higher up on his neck before biting a second time. This time he moaned a little bit when I did so. Yay! I made Tom moan. I feel so accomplished.

Being the genius I am (not trying to be modest), I started kissing and sucking where I bit him, causing him to moan again. Not wanting him to moan too loud, seeing as I didn’t want to disturb Georg or Gustav, I went back up to his amazing lips and kissed them. I was still on top for a moment when I felt myself get flipped onto my back, Tom on top this time. He started kissing down to my neck when he said, “Now we get to see if you like getting bitten.”

I was about to say something when he bit the tender part of my neck. Damn that feels good. I hope he does that again.

“Bill! Tom! You two can quit fucking now. We’re stopped at a gas station and are getting some ice-cream,” Georg said.

Tom stopped biting my neck. He looked at me and asked, “How are they about us?”

“They don’t care. Liebe ist liebe in their eyes,” I replied before kissing his lips.

“Well, come on. I want some ice-cream.”

“Me, too. But I don’t think we can leave.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because I attacked your neck good,” I replied smiling.

“Well, you’re neck’s pretty attacked as well.”

“Good. Now, we can at least sit in the main area. I’m keeping the warmth on, though. It’s cold as hell frozen over in there.”

“Okay. I’ve got another warmth in my suitcase. You can wear that one as long as you like.”

I smiled and kissed him. “I love you, Tomi,” I said after I kissed him

“I love you, too, Billa,” he said before kissing me.

“Come on guys! We have ice-cream and gummy bears!” Gustav said.

Gummy bears? Yes! I looked at Tom and kindly said, “Get off of me. The gummy bears are calling my name. They’re saying, “Eat me Bill. Eat me!” I must comply to their wishes.”

Wow. I sounded really smart there at they end. Yay me! And the whole “Eat me” part sounded dirty. God I’m weird. “Okay baby. I’ll get off,” he said before getting off of me. He got out of the bunk and I followed suit before wrapping an arm around his waist. He smiled and kissed the top of my head before the two of us walked out of the bunk area.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title owned by Savage Garden.

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