Status: Hiatus until inspiration returns

Rise Above This

I'll Be

“Bill, you’ve eaten almost all of the gummy bears. I think you’ve had enough,” Georg said.

I shook my head. “Nope. I like my gummy bears thank you,” I said before getting on my lap top. I logged onto our YouTube account when I felt like watching music videos. “Tom! What music video should I watch?”

“Ich weiss nicht babe. Something by Weezer I guess,” he replied.

I thought for a second when I remembered I haven’t seen the video for “Pork and Beans” yet. I typed it in the search box and clicked enter before it showed all the results. I clicked on the first one and waited for the video to start loading before I played the song.

I turned up the volume somewhat loud and started swaying to the music in my seat. By the time the chorus came on, I was dancing around and singing along.

“Imma do the things that I wanna do.
I ain’t got a thing to prove to you.
I’ll eat my candy with the pork and beans.
Excuse my manners if I make a scene.
I ain’t gonna wear the clothes you like.
I’m fine and dandy with the me inside.
One look in the mirror and I’m tickled pink.
I don’t give a hoot about what you think,” I sang as I danced around.

I grabbed Tom’s hands and said, “Dance with me!”

“I’d rather not,” he said as he sat down.

I looked at him and asked, “Bitte?”

He looked at me before sighing. “Fine,” he said.

“Yay!” I said before grabbing his hands and making him dance with me.

“Can I record this?” Gustav asked.

“No!” we replied.

“Why not?” Georg asked curiously.

“Because I may do this,” Tom replied before pecking my lips. “And we don’t want the fans to find out about that.”

“Ah. Okay,” Gustav said before filming Georg. “So Georg, this is the Gustav cam. Have any words you want to say before you die?”

“Well, I would like to say--wait a minute! I don’t want to die! Why do I get to die?!” Georg asked finally catching on as Tom wrapped his arms around my neck.

“Because if you look to our right, which I’m not aloud to film, you’ll see two happy people who don’t deserve to die. You, on the other hand, are alone and therefore are taking up space. So there. Put that in your juice box and suck it,” Gustav replied.

I took Tom’s arms from around my neck before running over to Georg and sitting on his lap. “Just because he’s alone doesn’t mean he gets to die Gusti! Just means he needs a woman!” I said.

Georg looked at me before saying, “Get off of me and go over to your lover who’s name I’m not aloud to mention.”

I nodded before getting up and walking over to Tom, who was now sitting down, and sat on his lap. “Hi lover!” I said smiling. God I’m a dork.

He smiled and kissed my neck. “Hello to you, too,” he said.

“See! You’re taking up space. If you get laid tonight, I won’t kill you,” Gustav said.

Georg was about to say something when Gustav’s phone started ringing. “Oh, that’s Chelsea. Gustav cam signing out,” Gustav said before turning off his camera and answering his phone. “Hey Chelsea. How’s it going?” Gustav asked before going into the bunk area.

Georg sighed. “Geo! I won’t let him kill you. I promise,” I said being awesome.

“He won’t kill me. Right?” Georg asked.

“Nah. He’s not that mean,” Tom replied wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling him close to him.

“Yeah! What Tom said,” I said.

Georg nodded. “Good. Unless we go to a club tonight, there is no way I’m getting laid.”

Tom looked at me and said, “You know, if we go, it’ll be dark, you can wear your hair different and maybe just wear some eyeliner. People might not recognize you.”

I looked at him and nodded. “I like the idea. Oh! I can…damn it. Now I forgot what I was going to say!” I said.

He kissed my shoulder. “Don’t worry. You’ll remember. How about you wear your hair down? I haven’t see you like that in a while.”

I nodded. “Oh! You want to see if Gerard and them want to come with?!” I asked.

“Call and see,” Tom said.

I pulled out my phone before calling Gerard’s cell.

“Ello? Frank here,” Frank said.

“Frank? It’s Bill. Is Gerard there?” I asked.

“Actually, he’s kind of busy,” Frank replied.

“He and Mikey are alone, aren’t they?” I asked.

“NO! Um, I mean, no. Psh, Why would they be? I mean, it’s not like they’re lovers or something,” Frank said.



“I know already. Gerard told me. Just have him call me back when he’s done,” I said.

“Oh. He told you? Why?”

“Well,” I started when I looked at Tom and mouthed, “Can I tell Frank?”

Tom nodded and I continued, “You see, Gerard and Mikey aren’t the only ones on this tour dating each other.”

“Really? Who else is?” Frank asked.

“Tom and I.”

“AWW! Finally! I’ll tell Gee you called. Bye!”

“Bye,” I said before hanging up.

“I take it he awed?” Tom asked.

I nodded before nuzzling my head into his neck. I kissed his neck and said, “Yeah. Gerard and Mikey are busy, so he’s going to have Gee call me back.”

I felt Tom nod when Georg said, “I’m hungry.”

I looked at my bag of abandoned gummy bears and saw that there was a few left. I reached for the bag and threw it to Georg. “You can have my gummy bears,” I said.

He nodded before eating one. “Thanks,” he said.

I nodded as well before nuzzling my head back into Tom’s neck. I pulled the front of his shirt up and placed my cold hand on his stomach, running my fingers over the sculpted abs.

“Having fun Bill?” Tom whispered/moaned into my ear.

I nodded as my hand went further up his torso until I reached his chest. “So much fun,” I replied.

He was about to say something when my phone rang my MCR ring tone I have for Gerard. I grabbed my phone and answered it. “Hey Gerard,” I said.

“Hey Bill. You rang?” he asked.

“Yeah. Are you guys planning on doing anything tonight?” I asked.

“Not that I know of. Why?”

“Well, do you want to go to a club with us?”

“Sure. Sounds fun. Are you and Tom going to just sit the entire time?”

“Here’s the thing, we’re altering my appearance just a bit to where no one will be about to recognize me. I mean, we’ll let you know it’s me, but no one else will know that. I’ll just have to shut up the entire night.”

“Cool. You know, I dressed in drag once. Maybe I’ll do it again tonight. I was hot as a chick.”

I laughed. “You dress in drag and I’ll do the same. I think I can find something chick-ish.”

“It’s a date then. I mean, you know what I mean.”

“Yeah. Make each other look like girls. I don’t have to try hard. Apparently I already do look like one.”

“Eh, that sucks. So, next town we come to?”

“Ja. Call you when we get there. Bye.”

“Bye,” he said.

“So, I take it you’re dressing in drag?” Tom asked as I hung up my phone.

I smirked at him and replied, “It’ll be sexy drag without revealing that I’m not a girl.”

Tom shrugged. “Just so as long as I get to dance with you, I don’t care what you do.”

I smiled. “Deal,” I said before shouting, “Gusti! Call David and tell him we want to go to a club!”

“Okay!” Gustav replied before I snuggled into Tom.

“Ehm, I’m getting food,” Georg said getting up.

Tom wrapped his arms around me and said, “This is going to be great!”

“I know. I can’t wait to see that this works,” I said before I closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep. Hey, I was tired after dancing around. So bleh! Put that in your juice box and suck it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title owned by Edwin McCain.
Okay, so...I'm kind of running out of love songs. I'm half tempted to use a Prince song as the title for the next chapter. You know, i will. But after that, I'll have nothing. So if you lovely readers could suggest love songs for me, that would be great. I'll need song name and artist.

Comments, ja?

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