Status: Hiatus until inspiration returns

Rise Above This

Fall For You

“Tom, that movie was awesome! I mean, seriously!” I said excitedly as we left the movie theater. We had just seen The Dark Knight and it was amazing. It’s too bad Heath Ledger’s gone. He was a good actor.

“I know. Now, on to the third and final M of the three M’s,” Tom said.

“McDonald’s!” I said smiling.

Tom started laughing, smiling his amazing smile. Okay, this is so not fair. Why do we have to be related?! WHY?! I’m not liking the whole ‘being related’ thing only because I can’t have him as more than a brother. Grr…

“Uh Bill? You okay bro?” Tom asked.

“Yeah. Why?” I asked.

“You look really mad about something,” he replied.

“I’m fine Tomi. Now, greasy food! Away!!” I said before running off to Tom’s Escalade. I heard Tom laughing behind me as I reached Tom’s amazing vehicle. I turned to face the direction he was coming from and leaned against the Escalade until he finally arrived.


Yay junk food! Greasy, delicious junk food. I really shouldn’t be as skinny as I am with all the junk I eat. I should be the size of a house with all honesty.

“Looks like someone’s a happy camper with their food,” Tom said chuckling.

I stuck my tongue out at him and said, “Shut up Tom and eat your yummy food.”

He rolled his eyes and said, “I will eat my food when you keep your tongue in your mouth. You’re going to do that to the wrong person and it’s all going to go to hell on you.”

I shook my head. “Nah-uh.”

“Uh-huh. I’m right and you know it. I’m older, wiser, and not to mention the way better looking twin,” he said.

You got that right “Whatever you say Tom-Tom. Whatever you say.”

He shrugged and took a bite of his burger as I ate a fry. Mm. Yummy fries.

“Hey Billa, have you talked to David about when we’re starting a new tour?” Tom asked.

“Yeah,” I replied before taking a sip of my coke. “We’re doing an American tour that starts in a few weeks. He told me that we were touring with another band. I’m just not sure who though.”

He nodded and said, “Good. That’s good.”

I was about to ask him if he was thinking about bringing Lavender when he said, “Lavender’s not going to be too thrilled about it. Not one bit.”

I cocked my head to the side. “Well, I’ve been thinking and stuff a lot lately. And I noticed things that I hadn’t noticed before,” he started.

Oh shit. I pray it isn’t what I think it is. “What are you talking about Tom?” I asked.

He sighed and asked, “Do you think Lavender’s the right girl for me?”

Say no. Fucking say no now. “Why do you ask?” I asked him.

“I don’t know. I mean, I can tell mom doesn’t like her. Gustav and Georg don’t like her. She doesn’t seem to like mom, Gustav, and Georg. But what I’ve noticed more what that it seems as if she hates you.”

I shrugged and decided to lie. “I haven’t noticed. But you know me, I don’t pay attention a lot.”

He looked at me before asking, “If there’s anything about her I need to know that you know, you’d tell me, right?”

“In a heartbeat Tomi. I wouldn’t keep something from you. I promise,” I said smiling, even though it felt like a fake smile.

He nodded. “Thanks Bill. You’re the best.”

No way better than you though. You’re perfect. “Anytime Tom. Now, let’s finish up here and head back home. I’ll call Georg and Gustav, since I actually remembered to tell them about the tour, and talk tour stuff. You better tell Lavender, because I’m not.”

He nodded and said, “Yeah. I should tell her. She isn’t going to be thrilled. And she knows that I can’t bring her along. The bus is cramped as it is. I’m not too thrilled about having to tell her.”

I nodded. I’m glad he doesn’t bring her. I deal with her enough as it is. I can’t stand her for long periods of time. Oh, did I mention that she’s mean to me whenever Tom’s not around? Oh, I did? Oh. Forgot. Oops. Sorry.

“Come on Bill. Let’s go,” Tom said getting up.

I stood up with him and we dumped our trash before leaving.


“Tom! What do you mean you’re leaving in a few weeks?! You didn’t tell me this!” I heard Lavender whine to Tom from my room. Well, I was in my room. Tom and Lavender were in the living room downstairs. But that’s beside the point.

I got up and turned my music on, letting Nena play throughout my room. I sat on my bed and grabbed my lyric book before flopping down on my bed. I grabbed a pen and opened my book to a blank page when I couldn’t think. I closed my book and tossed it on my nightstand when I grabbed my other notebook for whenever I write what’s in my head (not musically related). I opened it and started jotting down random things that popped in my head.

The three M’s


Dark Knight














You think that’s bad? One night I had nothing but Tom on my mind. It was the night he and Lavender got married. I was depressed so, instead of doing something dumb like cutting, I opened this notebook and there’s a whole page where I scribbled his name on it. Some of it looks like chicken scratch, and the rest of it is really neat.

I closed my notebook and put it back in it’s hiding place when I heard a knock on the door. “Who is it?” I asked.

“Tom,” he replied over my music.

I smiled really big, turned down my music, and made sure that Tom wouldn’t be able to see the notebook. “Come on in,” I said.

He opened the door and slipped in before closing the door behind him. He walked over to my bed and flopped down on my legs before saying, “That was tougher than I thought.”

“I’m sorry Tom,” I said.

“Don’t apologize. I just had to promise her I’d be by her side for almost a week. So sorry if you wanted to hang out again,” he said.

Sweet! Now I can get the hat tomorrow without him knowing. “Don’t apologize. I’ll probably just hang out with Georg or Gustav. Hell, I might even see mom and Gordon,” I said.

He sighed. “I haven’t seen Georg, Gustav, or mom and Gordon in a while. Fuck, I barely ever see you anymore! And we live in the same house! Am I really so focused on Lavender that I ignore everyone else?”

“Unintentionally. But hey, we’re touring! All four of us can hang out the entire American tour! Plus we’re touring with another band. And I can’t remember for the life of me who the other band is! Oh well. I’ll remember randomly in the middle of something a few days from now.”

Tom shrugged and said, “Yeah. Well, I’m going to go to bed. I’ll talk to you sometime tomorrow. Guten Nacht mein Bruder. Ich liebe dich.”

“Ich liebe dich Tom-Tom.”

He got up and left my room before I sighed and grabbed the notebook. I opened it to the page I was on before and grabbed my pen. I clicked my pen open and wrote eleven words down.

If only you meant it the way I want you to.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title owned by Secondhand Serenade.

And if you've noticed, all the titles to far are from love songs. (except Romance. It just worked. But the rest will be from love songs.)