Status: Hiatus until inspiration returns

Rise Above This

Demolition Lovers

Wow. I slept good last night. Dreamt about Tom. It was a good dream. I’m not telling what it was about though. That’s for me to know.

So, I’m at the mall now. I’m heading over to Lids so I can buy Tom’s birthday present.

“Hello. I see you’re back,” the cashier from yesterday said as I walked in.

“Hallo. Do you have the hat for me?” I asked.

He nodded and pulled it out from under the counter before saying, “Here you go.”

He rung it up and paid for it before leaving the store. I walked around, swinging the bag with the hat in it beside me. It’s nice today. Not a lot of people are here. A few fans came up to me when I recognized me and wanted a picture. They didn’t go all fan girl on me either. It was nice.

Deciding I was hungry, I walked over to the food court and up to the Burger King they had. I ordered my burger and fries before sitting down at one of the tables.

I took a bite into my burger when I pulled out my iPod and plugged my ear buds in my ears. I put it on shuffle and “Demolition Lovers” by My Chemical Romance started playing.

Hand in mine into your icy blues. And then I’d say to you we can take to the highway with this trunk of ammunition too. I’d end my days with you in a hail of bullets

I love this song. It’s perfect if I were to describe how I feel about Tom. Well, in a way anyway.

But this time. I mean it. I’ll let you know just how much you mean to me. As snow falls on desert sky until the end of everything.

I ate my food happily when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I paused my iPod and pulled out an ear bud before pulling out my phone from my pocket. Seeing it was a number I didn’t recognize, I decided to see who it was. I opened it and asked, “Hallo? Bill Kaulitz hier.”

“Bill?” I heard a male voice ask. Sounded American. New Jersey possibly? New York?

“Ja. Who is this?” I asked curiously.

“Phew. Thought I had the wrong number for a minute. This is Gerard,”the male voice Gerard replied.

Okay, where have I heard that name before? “Gerard?” I asked.

“Way? From My Chemical Romance?” he asked.

Scheisse! I knew I heard that name before. “Okay. Sorry, mein Kopf isn’t exactly working,” I said.

“It’s alright. Wait, what’s Kopf?” he asked.

“It’s German for ‘head’,” I replied.

“Oh. I forgot for a moment you guys are German,” he said.

I nodded. Wait, how did he get my number? “Gerard, not to sound rude or anything, but how did you get my number?” I asked.

“Oh. Sorry. I got it from David. Seeing as we’re touring together, I thought I’d call and talk singer to singer.”

OH!! They’re the band we’re touring with! “Sure. I’m free actually. Tom’s busy with his wife and Georg and Gustav are off doing their own thing,” I said, not sounding thrilled about Tom being with her.

“Ah. Well, Mikes and the guys are here playing--”

“GEE!!! Who are you talking to?!” I heard another male voice ask hyperly.

“Frank calm down. I’m talking to Bill from Tokio Hotel,” Gerard replied to Frank. “Sorry Bill. Frank had Skittles.”

“HEY! You bought them for me Gerard. Shut the hell up! And hi Bill!!!” Frank shouted.

I heard Gerard sigh and say, “Anyways, ignore hyper short shit. This is actually one of his good days.”

“It’s okay. Just keep the yummy gummy animals away from me. Or I get as hyper as Frank. If not more,” I said.

“Gerard! Put Bill on speaker phone you German guy hogger!” Frank shouted.

Gerard sighed. “Fine Frank. But only if you calm down.”

I heard Frank sigh. “Fine.”

“Okay,” Gerard said, “you are on speaker phone. Say hi to everyone.”

“Hallo everyone,” I said.

“Gee, who’s that?” I heard someone ask.

“Bill, meet Frank, Ray, Bob, and my dear little brother Mikey. Guys, meet Bill from Tokio Hotel,” Gerard said.

“Hi Bill! I’m Frank. You already knew that though,” Frank said.

“Hi Bill. Mikey here,” Mikey said.

“Sup,” a male voice asked.

“Hey. This is Ray. That was Bob who talked last in case you didn’t know,” Ray said.

“So, where’s everyone else? I want to talk to more people. No offence Bill,” Frank asked.

“Well, I have no idea where Georg and Gustav are and Tom’s with this wife,” I replied kind of annoyed when I mentioned Tom.

“What? Is she a bitch? Because if she is and she’s coming, me and her won’t get along,” Frank said.

“Yeah actually. And she’s not coming. Danke Gott,” I said.

“What?” all five of them asked.

“It means ‘thank you God’. It’s German,” I replied.

“I knew that,” Frank said.

“No you didn’t Frank. Shut up,” Mikey said.

I chuckled and said, “Well, I have a feeling we’ll be getting along just fine.”

“Good. And you know, for not having English as your native tongue, you speak it quite well,” Gerard said.

“Danke. I’m just not used to speaking English with German as my mother tongue, but I’ll have to speak it more once the tour starts,” I said.

“’Tis true. But don’t worry. Your English is just fine,” Ray said.

“Yeah. What Ray-fro said,” Mikey said.

I smiled when I realized that Bob wasn’t talking. “Hey Bob?” I asked.

“Huh? What?” he asked.

“You’re awfully quiet. You remind of Gustav. He’s quiet as well,” I replied.

“Ah. Well, I usually don’t talk much anyway. I usually don’t have much to say,” Bob replied.

“Ah. Well guys, I need to get heading back home. I’ll call you later when I can get the rest of the band together,” I said.

“BYE BILL!” Frank shouted.

“Bye Bill,” Mikey, Ray, and Gerard said.

“Later,” Bob said.

“Bye guys,” I said getting up and grabbing the bag with Tom’s present in it. I closed my phone after they hung up. I left and got in my car before starting it up and leaving for home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title owned by My Chemical Romance

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