Status: Hiatus until inspiration returns

Rise Above This

In Die Nacht

“So boys, how are you planning on spending your birthday?” mom asked as she, Gordon, Andreas, Tom, and I sat around the living room.

I shrugged. “Not sure. Tom and I hung out at the park for a while before we came over here,” I replied.

Tom nodded. “Probably just hang out today. I don’t know. We’re starting an American tour in a week. Don’t know who we’re touring with though, “Tom added looking at me.

Who are we touring with again? Oh! My Chemical Romance. “We’re touring with My Chemical Romance. Gerard called my phone one day and that’s when I remembered. Sorry I forgot to tell you,” I told him.

“My Chemical Romance, huh? Cool,” Andreas said.

I nodded. “Frank, one of their guitarists, is really hyper. Bob reminds me of Gustav with the quietness,” I told them.

They nodded. “Well, sounds like you guys will have fun,” Gordon said.

“Loads,” I replied.

Tom nodded. “Yeah.”

“So Tomi, how are you and…scheisse what is her name…Lavender doing?” Andreas asked.

Tom shrugged. “Okay,” he replied.

I looked at him and mom asked, “Okay?”

Tom nodded. Okay my ass. “I don’t know. It’s like…different now. You know what I mean?” he asked.

“No offence Tom, and please don’t kick my ass for saying this, but I don’t like her. She’s mean. I’m not trying to be mean. I’m just being honest,” Andreas replied.

I looked at Gordon and he said, “I’m Switzerland in this one. I’m not getting involved.”

Tom gave a small smiled before rolling his eyes. “No Andreas I’m not going to kick you ass.”

“You know what? I’m not even going to try. No matter how many times I get on to you boys about the language, you still say it anyway. I quit,” mom said.

Damn. Now I don’t want to cuss. Crap!

“Mom, we love you,” Tom said.

“Eh I know. You’re stuck with me. Both of you are,” she said smiling.

“Wait a flipping minute Tom. You’re not kicking my butt? Why?” Andreas asked suddenly. I was kind of curious as well.

He shrugged. “No need to.”

Andreas got up and walked over to Tom before putting his hand on Tom’s forehead. “Uh Andreas, what are you doing?” Tom asked.

“Making sure you’re not sick. Because if you weren’t, then you’d be telling me how Lavender’s a sweet girl and would never be mean to anyone,” Andreas replied.

True. Is Tom feeling well? I put my hand on the part of Tom’s forehead not taken up by Andreas’ hand and said, “You don’t feel sick Tom. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t.”

“Guys! I’m feeling fine! God,” he said taking our hands off of his forehead.

I gave him a skeptic look and he said, “Quit giving me that look. I’m serious. I feel great.”

Damn he’s good. He wasn’t even looking at me. “You’re creepy Tom. How did you know I was even giving you a look?”

“Um, it’s called we’re sitting by the window and I can see your reflection dummarsch. Duh,” Tom replied.

I looked to see that he was right. “Oh,” I said.

He shook his head. “You’re lucky I love you little brother. You know that, right?”

I nodded. Not the same way I love you though. “I know Tom.”

He smiled. “Anyways, boys, Gordon and I each got you something,” mom said before getting up and leaving the room, Gordon following close behind.

“I did too. I’ll be back,” Andreas said before getting up and leaving the room as well.

I looked at Tom and asked, “Are you sure you’re feeling fine?”

He nodded. He sighed and said, “I think Lavender’s cheating on me.”

What? Who would be crazy enough to do that?! “What give you the idea?”

He shrugged. “I just have a feeling. You know we’re barely home. Who knows what she’s doing. And with who.”

I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and said, “I’m sorry Tom. Hey, I think I have an idea as to find out if she is or not.”

He looked at me. “Really? What is it?”

“Well, I could call Georg or Gustav and have them go by the house saying that they needed a CD of our that we told them they could borrow. I can have them tell us how she was acting when she answers the door and such. If she’s home at least.”

He smiled and said, “I like that idea.”

“Good. Do you want me to call Georg or Gustav now?” I asked.

He nodded. I pulled out my phone and looked through my contacts before settling on Gustav. I pressed the call button and let it ring.

“Hallo?” he asked answering the phone.

“Gustav. It’s Bill,” I said.

“Hallo. What is it?” he asked.

“Hey, can you do Tom and I a favor?” I asked.

“Sure. Just say what it is,” he replied.

I told him about how Tom thinks the Lavender’s cheating on him and such. “Anyways, we were wondering if you could go by the house and see if she’s there. Look for any unfamiliar things, like cars and such. Go up to the door and knock on it and see if she answers. If she does, tell her that we told you that you could borrow a CD of Tom’s. Say that it’s one of this Samy Deluxe CDs that you’ve been meaning to listen to. Take notice in the way she acts and such. Can you do that?” I asked.

“Ja. I can. Do you want me to call you when I leave?” he asked.

“Ja. That would be great. Danke Gustav,” I said.

“You’re welcome. Talk to you later,” he said.

“Later. Bye,” I said before hanging up.

“Can he do it?” Tom asked.

I looked at him and nodded. “He’s supposed to call me when he leaves the house.”

“Good,” Tom said when mom, Gordon, and Andreas walked back in, gifts in their arms.

(Later *Mall*)

“Come on Bill! I want to buy you something!” Tom said. We were in Hot Topic and were looking at shirts. Tom was insistent on buying me something.

I sighed. “Fine. Don’t tell me what it is though,” I said going to the CD section. I started flipping through the CDs when I saw a selection of eyebrow and barbells.. I walked over and started looking. I saw a couple eyebrow rings that I didn’t have, but refrained from buying them. So I went back to the CDs and looked through them some more.

“Bill! I got your present. Now let’s go,” Tom said a while later holding a black Hot Topic bag.

I nodded and the two of us left and started walking when my phone rang Gustav’s ring tone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title owned by Tokio Hotel

(Okay, it may not be a love song, but it's Bill and Tom's 'brother' song. I think it works)

Read, comment, and tell your friends is all I ask of you.